Ben Elias (University of Oregon) will be speaking in this week's algebra seminar. We will go out for lunch after the talk. Where: Carslaw 275 When: Friday August 16, 12-1pm Title: Fusion quivers Abstract: A classical result of Gabriel states that the ADE quivers are precisely those quivers with finitely many indecomposable representations, and that indecomposable representations are parametrized by positive roots. Edmund Heng found a generalization of the concept of quiver representations which broadens Gabriel's theorem to include all finite types ABCDEFGH. This talk will give an overview of recent work of Elias-Heng, which provides the proper framework for Heng's generalization and others: the concept of a fusion quiver. Our main result is a classification of fusion quivers with finitely many indecomposable representations.