SMS scnews item created by Emma Carberry at Thu 25 Nov 2010 1614
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 14 Dec 2010
Calendar1: 14 Dec 2010 1200-1300
Auth: [email protected] (carberry) in SMS-WASM

UNSW Pure Maths Seminar: Problem Session

to conclude the Pure Departmental Seminar for 2010, there will
be a Problem Session on Tuesday 14 December, 12:00 [someroom],

It is the idea that we all bring one or more problems for
discussion that might appeal to the members of the Pure
Department and perhaps also to a general audience.
Each problem might be an interesting or amusing recreational
problem, or it might be the crux of a research paper that you
would like help with. Similarly, it could be a general open
problem, or it could be a specific technical conundrum.
Whichever the case, you should prepare to briefly present the
problem in such a way that the other members of the Pure
Department (and, ideally, a general audience) can understand it.
With luck, new ideas and collaborations could arise from this!

To facilitate the session, please send me such problems by
email in whichever format you wish, or deliver them on paper in
my pigeonhole mailbox. I will type up and collate these into a
compendium of problems that will be distributed at the Problem
Session on Tuesday 14 December, where the contributors will
have the chance to clearly and briefly present their problems.

Everyone is welcome to contribute problems, including members of
the Applied Mathematics and Statistics Departments, students,
and anyone else who might be interested in sharing their problems!




_________________DEPARTMENTAL SEMINAR__________________

Speakers: Problem contributors

Title:    Problem Session

Date:     Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Time:     12:00

Venue:    ?, UNSW

Abstract: Share your problems with others, for fun or for solutions!

Enquiries to Thomas Britz ([email protected])