Dear All, We are delighted to present the MaPSS Seminar topic of Monday 9th May; please see the abstract below. **From this Semester the Seminar will always run on Monday, at 5:00pm in 535A** Following the talk, there will be pizza on offer. Speaker: Alexander Majchrowski (Sydney University) Title: Mean Curvature Flow Surgery - How to deal with necks Abstract: I wish to develop the notion of a surgery procedure for Mean Curvature Flow. This idea was first developed by Hamilton for Ricci Flow and used by Perelman to solve the Poincaré conjecture, it was adapted by Huisken and Sinestrari for Mean Curvature flow to deal with 2-convex surfaces. Surgery allows us to continue the flow past a singular time T and keeps track of the changes in topology that occur for the surface, allowing us to classify the possible geometries of the initial surface. In this talk I'd like to give a quick overview of the surgery process and how to deal with "necks". I will assume a background knowledge of Riemannian Geometry, but no prior knowledge of geometric flows. Supervisors, please encourage your students to attend. Thanks, MaPSS Organizers