Abstract: In this series of talks, I will discuss connections and interactions between two types of structures that are ubiquitous in Lie theory and representation theory. The first is the formalism of highest weight categories, which provides an axiomatic framework for studying categories with "highest weight modules" (or "standard modules"). The second is the theory of monoidal categories, i.e. of categories equipped with a tensor product bifunctor. The primordial example of a highest weight category with a monoidal structure is the category of rational representations of a reductive algebraic group, and here the highest weight structure interacts with the monoidal structure by way of the fact that tensor products of standard modules admit filtrations whose successive subquotients are standard modules. This kind of interaction can surprisingly be observed in many other examples, and I will give an explanation for this phenomenon via a monoidal enhancement of Brundan-Stroppel's semi infinite Ringel duality. As applications, I will present solutions to two open problems: One concerns the existence of monoidal structures on categories of representations of affine Lie algebras at positive levels; the other concerns the existence of highest weight structures on monoidal abelian envelopes of certain "interpolation tensor categories". All of this is based on joint work with Johannes Flake. The program for the lecture series is as follows: In the first talk, I will mostly discuss the motivating examples (algebraic groups, affine Lie algebras, interpolation categories), explain how they fit into the framework of "lower finite" or "upper finite" highest weight categories, and state the two aforementioned open problems. In the second talk, I will explain how lower finite and upper finite highest weight categories are related via Ringel duality and how a monoidal structure on a lower finite highest weight category gives rise to a monoidal structure on the Ringel dual upper finite highest weight category. This allows us to solve our first open problem: We define a canonical monoidal structure on a parabolic version of the BGG category O for an affine Lie algebra at positive level, and we construct a monoidal functor (a "Kazhdan-Lusztig correspondence") to a category of representations of a quantum group at a root of unity. The third and fourth lecture will be devoted to explaining the converse, that is, how a monoidal structure on an upper finite highest weight category gives rise to a monoidal structure on the Ringel dual lower finite highest weight category. As an application, we show that a large class of interpolation tensor categories (defined by Knop, generalizing a construction of Deligne) can be embedded as categories of tilting objects in monoidal lower finite highest weight categories. This gives a uniform explanation for the previously mysterious observation that many "abelian envelopes" of these interpolation categories are highest weight categories.