SMS scnews item created by David Easdown at Wed 17 Dec 2008 1432
Type: Announce
Modified: Wed 17 Dec 2008 1433; Wed 17 Dec 2008 1441
Distribution: World
Expiry: 25 Feb 2009
Auth: [email protected]

National Mathematics Curriculum

Since its inception, the National Curriculum Board has aimed to broadly consult members of the mathematics community. However the compressed time-frame and mechanisms for consultation and feedback have meant that many people with strong views are in danger of not being heard or even aware of stages in the process.

Last Friday, 12 December. the Faculty of Education and Social Work held, of its own initiative, a symposium where all of the present framers of national curricula

spoke to a general audience. Micro-sessions were then held, with written feedback taken down by scribes to be forwarded to the National Curriculum Board. The General Manager, Office of the National Curriculum Board, Robert Randall, also spoke in a wrap-up session. The organiser of this symposium, Robyn Ewing, mentioned the possibility of follow-ups.

The National Mathematics Curriculum Framing Paper may be accessed via the webpage

The Framing Paper includes three useful appendices, one of which comprises several pages for giving comprehensive feedback on the document, and an address to send it when filled out.

The next scheduled event is a National Curriculum Meeting on the 10th February 2009, at which representatives from AMSI (Australian Mathematical Science Institute), of which Sydney is a member, will be present. This may be another mechanism for channeling comments or viewpoints. The Director of AMSI is Phil Broadbridge.