Hello all, The next MaPSS talk of this semester will be at 17:00 on Monday 6th May in Carslaw 535. It's a great opportunity to meet fellow postgrads, listen to an interesting talk, and of course get some free pizza! ************************************************************************************** Speaker: Yeeka Yau Title: Coxeter systems for which the Brink-Howlett automaton is minimal Abstract: In their celebrated 1993 paper, Brink and Howlett proved that all finitely generated Coxeter groups are automatic. In particular, they constructed a finite state automaton recognising the language of reduced words in a Coxeter group. This automaton is not minimal in general, and recently Christophe Hohlweg, Philippe Nadeau and Nathan Williams stated a conjectural criteria for the minimality. In this talk we will explain these concepts, and prove the conjecture of Hohlweg, Nadeau, and Williams. The talk should be accessible to anyone with an elementary knowledge of groups. This work is joint with James Parkinson. ************************************************************************************** See you there! Details can also be found on the school's new Postgraduate Society website: http://www.maths.usyd.edu.au/u/MaPS/mapss.2019.html Cheers, Eric