SMS scnews item created by Hannah Bryant at Mon 19 Apr 2021 1336
Type: Deadline
Modified: Tue 20 Apr 2021 1100; Tue 20 Apr 2021 1103; Wed 28 Apr 2021 1329; Mon 17 May 2021 1244
Distribution: World
Expiry: 19 Jun 2021
Calendar1: 18 Jun 2021
CalTitle1: Call for Proposals MATRIX-SMRI Research Symposium (2021)
Auth: [email protected] (hbry8683) in SMS-SAML

Proposals Due MATRIX-SMRI Research Symposium (2021)


Call for Proposals MATRIX-SMRI Research Symposium (2021) 

MATRIX (Creswick) and the Sydney Mathematical Research Institute (SMRI) invite 
proposals for a joint Research Symposium to be held in a hybrid format (in-person/
on-line) in 2021.  

The joint MATRIX-SMRI Research Symposium will be centered around one distinguished
international researcher who will Chair the Symposium, or one key publication for 
which one of the international authors will be designated Chair.  

The hybrid research symposium will normally run for at least two weeks with 
face-to-face and online components.  The Chair will deliver at least two online 
lectures coordinated by SMRI in the lead-up to a central face-to-face intensive 
research event for up to 20 participants at the MATRIX facilities in Cheswick.  

Local participants may also present seminars during the online lead-up.  Those who are
not able to travel to MATRIX due to COVID-19 travel restrictions can participate 
online during this event.  During or after the face-to-face event at MATRIX, the 
Chair will take part in an online discussion session, facilitated by SMRI.  

How to apply Proposals should come with a team of organisers including at least two
organisers planning to attend in person at MATRIX.  Organisers should aim for gender
balance.  The application should contain: 

* Title of the suggested research symposium 

* Research Program organisers including up to 10 publications relevant to the 
proposal of each of the organisers 

* Dates of the event - please refer to scheduled MATRIX Research Programs to
identify available gaps in the calendar 

* Description of the topic and focus of event, recent results, references (4-6 pages) 

* The proposed provisional program of the research symposium, taking into account the
different time zones 

* List of up to 20 suggested participants at MATRIX and up to 10 online participants
during the MATRIX face-to-face component of the symposium 

* Event budget 

Proposal guidelines: 

Please prepare a PDF proposal in the format outlined in the guidelines and 
attach/submit here  

Applications close on Friday, 7 May 2021 ***(now extended until 18 June).  

Key contacts If you have any questions, please contact the SMRI team via email at
[email protected] or the MATRIX Office at [email protected] 

Prof.  Jan de Gier (Director MATRIX) 

Prof.  Anthony Henderson (Executive Director SMRI)