SMRI Algebra and Geometry Online 'A singular Coxeter presentation' Hankyung Ko (Uppsala University) Thursday, Aug 26 3:30pm-5:30pm (AEST) Register: Abstract: A Coxeter system is a presentation of a group by generators and a specific form of relations, namely the braid relations and the reflection relations. The Coxeter presentation leads to, among others, a similar presentation of the (Iwahori-)Hecke algebras and the Kazhdan-Lusztig theory, which provides combinatorial answers to major problems in Lie theoretic representation theory and geometry. Extending such applications to the `singular land' requires the singular version of the Hecke algebra. Underlying combinatorics of the singular Hecke algebra/category comes from the parabolic double cosets and is the first step in understanding the singular Hecke category. In this talk, I will present a Coxeter theory of the parabolic double cosets developed in a joint work with Ben Elias. In particular, I will explain a generalization of the reduced expressions and describe the braid and non-braid relations. Biography: Hangyung Ko is a postdoc researcher at Matematiska institutionen, Uppsala University, working on Lie theoretic representation theory. She is mainly interested in representation theory of algebraic groups in positive characteristic, category O, higher(categorical) representation theory, and related topics like Coxeter groups and their Hecke algebras, Soergel bimodules, quantum groups, R-matrices and K-matrices, polynomial functors and functor cohomology, category theory and homological algebra. Note: These seminars will be recorded, including participant questions (participants only when asking questions), and uploaded to the SMRI YouTube Channel Other upcoming SMRI events can be found here: