SMS scnews item created by Haotian Wu at Sun 3 May 2020 1546
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 14 Jun 2020
Calendar1: 4 May 2020 1100-1200
CalLoc1: Zoom Meeting
Auth: [email protected] (hawu2800) in SMS-WASM

Differential Geometry Seminar Series: Wu -- Introduction to Mean Curvature Flow

Venue: Zoom Meeting 

Time: 11:00AM--noon, 4 May 2020.  

Lecturer: Haotian Wu (Sydney) 

Title: Introduction to Mean Curvature Flow 

Abstract: Mean curvature flow deforms hypersurfaces in a given ambient space in the
direction of their mean curvature vectors.  In this working seminar, we give an
introduction on mean curvature flow in the Euclidean space.  We aim to present some
classical results, e.g.  the existence theory, the evolution of geometric quantities and
singularity analysis.  

This is the ninth lecture of this series. 

Zoom Meeting ID: 930-7586-8843
Password: 035321

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