The Ariki-Koike algebra H(R,q) is a quotient of the (extended) affine Hecke algebra associated to the general linear group. The centre of the affine Hecke algebra has a well known description in terms of the Weyl group action on the weight lattice due to Bernstein. In the talk, I discuss a proof that (over an arbitrary unital commutative ring R) the centre of the Ariki-Koike algebra is the image of the centre of the affine Hecke algebra if q-1 is invertible in R. One of the key ingredients is a description of the trace functions on the affine Hecke algebra and its relationship to trace functions on the Ariki-Koike Hecke algebra. This is joint work with Andrew Francis and Lenny Jones.
After the seminar we will take the speaker to lunch.
See the Algebra Seminar web page for information about other seminars in the series.
James East [email protected]