Hello all, The next MaPSS talk of this semester will be at 17:00 on Mon 8th October in Carslaw 535. It's a great opportunity to meet fellow postgrads, listen to an interesting talk, and of course get free food! ************************************************************************************** Speaker: Joseph Baine Title: An introduction to the representation theory of algebraic groups Abstract: Algebraic groups are groups where multiplication and inversion are given by regular maps. They are some of the most important objects in mathematics, and include groups such as GL_n, SL_n, O_n, and Sp_2n. In this introductory talk we will introduce the concept of a representation of an algebraic group G, and will explicitly construct all finite dimensional SL_2 representations over the complex numbers. We will then explore some of the subtleties that arise when considering representations over a field of prime characteristic. If time permits, I will also discuss my research into an algebraic proof of character formula for certain simple modules considered by Gilmer and Masbaum. ************************************************************************************** See you there! Details can also be found on the school's new Postgraduate Society website: http://www.maths.usyd.edu.au/u/MaPS/mapss.html Cheers, Alex