Travis Scrimshaw (The University of Queensland) Friday 4 May, 12-1pm, Place: Carslaw 375 Title: Rigged configuration bijection for nonexceptional affine types Abstract: Kerov, Kirillov, and Reshetikhin developed combinatorial objects called rigged configurations to parameterise solutions to the Bethe Ansatz for Heisenberg spin chains and developed a bijection with classically irreducible components in a tensor product of finite-dimensional representations of the affine special linear Lie algebra. In this talk, we give a generalisation of the KKR bijection to all nonexceptional affine types by using Kashiwara's theory of crystal bases and virtual crystals. In doing so, we give a combinatorial proof of the X = M conjecture of Hatayama et al. in all nonexceptional affine types. This is joint work with Masato Okado and Anne Schilling.