Speaker: Oded Yacobi (University of Sydney) Time: Friday 4 March, 12-1pm Place: Carslaw 275 Title: Some applications of braid groups acting on triangulated categories Abstract: Picking up where we left off in the previous algebra seminar, I will talk about the technical details in the second half of the proof of the main theorem we discussed then. Just kidding... This talk will be a leisurely overview of some ideas I've been thinking about the last couple of years, including on how to relate the action of the symmetric group on the Kazhdan-Lusztig basis to interesting combinatorial operations on standard Young tableau, and generalisations involving the Weyl group action on dual canonical bases. If there is time, I will also touch on completely different results which use Bridgeland stability conditions to give a new description of periodic elements in the braid group. All these results are applications of the same theorem about braid groups acting on derived categories.