SMS scnews item created by Larissa Fedunik-Hofman at Mon 1 Feb 2021 1007
Type: Announce
Modified: Mon 8 Feb 2021 1303
Distribution: World
Expiry: 29 Jan 2022
Auth: [email protected] (lfed9203) in SMS-LDAP

Research profile: Upcoming SMRI visitor Dr Jared Field

An evolving career in mathematical biology

Dr Jared Field, Mckenzie Fellow in Mathematics at the University of Melbourne and University of Sydney graduate, describes how mathematics and biology intersect in this SMRI research profile.

Dr Field uses mathematics to understand questions in evolution, such as human longevity, why we sleep, how animals deal with risk, and the evolutionary biology of Indigenous kinship rules. His research incorporates life-history theory, evolutionary game theory, mathematical ecology and Bayesian decision theory.

Jared will visit SMRI as part of the Domestic Visitor Program over March—April 2021.

View the video on the SMRI website or YouTube.

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