SMS scnews item created by Michael Stewart at Mon 23 Jun 2014 1045
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 26 Jun 2014
Calendar1: 24 Jun 2014 1800-1930
CalLoc1: The UniveBuilding 10, CB10.02.450B, UTS, 235 Jones Street, Ultimo
Auth: [email protected] (assumed)

Stats Society Monthly Talk: Luts -- Data Science @ The Search Party

The next Statistical Society (NSW Branch) montly talk is to be given 
Tuesday evening at UTS. Details appear below. 



Date:           Tuesday, 24 June 2014
Time:   6:00pm - 6.30pm: Refreshments
                6:30pm - 7.30pm: Lecture
                7:30pm - 8:00pm: Dinner

Venue: The University of Technology Sydney, Building 10, CB10.02.450B, 235
Jones Street, Ultimo, NSW 2007.

                               Dr. Jan Luts

                             The Search Party

                      Data Science @ The Search Party

 The Search Party is a Sydney-based technology platform that is a positive
 disruptor for the recruitment industry. We have created the first online
  marketplace for talent which makes it quicker and easier to hire better
   people, whilst for recruitment agencies we provide a sustainable and
profitable revenue stream. In this presentation I will give an overview of
 the various challenges that we are facing to extract value from the large
amounts of data that are daily circulating in our software platform. These
 data originate from job seekers, employers and recruiters, and processing
  them requires interdisciplinary work at the intersection of statistics,
machine learning, data mining, computer science, information retrieval and
   natural language processing. The ultimate goal is to accurately match
     vacancies with job seekers and automate the recruitment service.

Biography of Dr. Jan Luts
Jan Luts received a Master of Information Sciences, option Multimedia, from
Universiteit Hasselt, Belgium, in 2003. He also received Master degrees in
Bioinformatics and Statistics from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium,
in 2004 and 2005, respectively.  After obtaining his PhD at the Department
of Electrical Engineering (ESAT) of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in 2010,
he worked in postdoctoral research for a further two years at the
institution.  In 2012 Jan moved to Australia where he worked as a
postdoctoral researcher in Statistics at the School of Mathematical
Sciences in the University of Technology, Sydney.  After two years in the
role he moved into the private sector as Data Scientist at The Search Party
(formerly Tempurer) - an independent provider of skilled consultants for
transformational information technology and business projects.