SMS scnews item created by Munir Hiabu at Wed 22 Apr 2020 1242
Type: Announce
Distribution: World
Expiry: 20 May 2020
Auth: [email protected] (mhia8050) in SMS-WASM

One World Actuarial Research Seminar

I am co-organizing a one-world seminar initiative on Actuarial Research which might be of interest for people interested in insurance/actuarial applications. Below the official announcement.

We have the pleasure to announce the launch of the One World Actuarial Research Seminar (OWARS). In these difficult times, when most departmental seminars are suspended and research conferences cancelled, we believe that there is an opportunity to unite the community of researchers in the actuarial and related disciplines and organize a global seminar run remotely.

We would like to welcome you to the first seminar, by Mario Wuethrich (Risklab, ETH Zurich), on “From Generalized Linear Models to Neural Networks, and Back”, at 10am Central European Summer Time on Wednesday 22 April 2020 (6pm Sydney time)

Please find joining instructions on the OWARS website: You and your colleagues can be added to our mailing list, to receive direct information about future seminars. Our plan is for OWARS to have a regular schedule, initially twice per month, and in rotating time slots that could accommodate researchers from all time zones across the world.