Speaker: Prof. Anthony Quas (Victoria) http://www.math.uvic.ca/faculty/aquas/ Time: Tuesday, Oct. 30, 12(NOON)--1PM Room: Carslaw 707A Lunch: after the talk (at Taste at Sydney Uni, i.e. "Law School Annex Cafe") --------------------------------------------------- Title: Embeddings of Dynamical Systems Abstract: many classical questions in ergodic theory relate to the classification of measure-preserving dynamical systems (when are two systems isomorphic?) and existence of factors between dynamical systems. I'll discuss joint work with Terry Soo in which we provide some new examples of universal dynamical systems: that is dynamical systems into which any other system can be mapped (subject to straightforward necessary conditions). The talk should be self-contained. --------------------------------------------------- Web site for GTA Seminar is at: http://www.maths.usyd.edu.au/u/SemConf/Geometry/index.html