This would be the second talk of this Friday's doubleheader joint colloquium afternoon. ----------------------------------------------------------- **NOTICE**: the first talk announced earlier is changed to 2-3PM. There is no other change except that the lunch group now meets at 12:30PM. The scnews on that has been updated. ----------------------------------------------------------- Speaker: Dr. Maxim Zinchenko (Univ. Of Central Florida) Time: Friday, March 2rd, 3--4PM Room: Carslaw 275 (Sydney Univ.) ----------------------------------------------- Title: Nonlinear Fourier Analysis Abstract: in this talk, I will give an overview of spectral theory as a nonlinear analog of Fourier analysis. There are several classes of nonlinear differential equations (among which are KdV and nonlinear Schroedinger equations) that could be solved with the help of spectral theory. As an illustration, I will discuss a system of exponentially interacting particles known as the Toda lattice whose solution is based on the spectral theory of Jacobi matrices. In addition, I will discuss recent developments in nonlinear analysis and, in particular, present a nonlinear analog of Parseval's identity and a nonlinear version of the Riemann--Lebesgue lemma. ----------------------------------------------- Lunch: we meet around 12:30PM at the Level 2 entry to Carslaw Building (possibly with quite some construction work going on) and then head to Grandstand (arriving around 12:45PM).