SMS scnews item created by Zhou Zhang at Mon 15 Oct 2012 1542
Type: Seminar
Modified: Tue 16 Oct 2012 1435
Distribution: World
Expiry: 12 Nov 2012
Calendar1: 26 Oct 2012 1430-1530
CalLoc1: OMB-149, Old Main Building, UNSW
Auth: [email protected]

SYD-UNSW Joint Colloquium : Fish -- Heisenberg-Weil Representation and Delay-Doppler Channel Estimation in Wireless Communication

Speaker: Dr. Alexander Fish (Sydney)

Time: Friday, Oct. 26, 2:30--3:30PM

Room: OMB-149, Old Main Building, UNSW

Lunch with speaker: meet around 1PM at the entrance to the East Wing of 
Red Centre Building.

One choice of commuting from Sydney: meet at Carslaw 620 around 12:25PM 
and share taxi to UNSW. The round trip is covered by school colloquium 


Title: Heisenberg-Weil Representation and Delay-Doppler Channel Estimation 
in Wireless Communication.

Abstract: A fundamental task in wireless communication is channel estimation: 
Compute the channel parameters a signal undergoes while travelling from a 
transmitter to a receiver. In the case of delay-Doppler channel, a widely 
used method is the matched filter algorithm. It uses a pseudo-random 
waveform of length N; and, in case of non-trivial relative velocity 
between transmitter and receiver, its arithmetic complexity is O(N^2 log(N)). 
We introduce a novel approach of designing waveforms that allow much faster 
channel estimation. Using Heisenberg-Weil representation we construct 
waveforms, which enable us to introduce a new algorithm, called the flag 
method, that significantly improves the matched filter algorithm. The flag 
method finds the channel parameters in O(mN log(N)) operations (In certain 
applications N >> 1000), for channel of sparsity m. We discuss applications 
of the flag method to mobile communication of fast moving users, and GPS.

This is a joint work with Gurevich (UW-Madison),Hadani (UT-Austin), 
Sayeed (UW-Madison), and Schwartz (UC-Berkeley).


Joint Colloquium web site: