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101. Aftalion A, Dancer EN
A Aftalion, E N Dancer: On the symmetry and uniqueness of solutions of the Ginzburg-Landau equations for small domains, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 3 (2001), 1–14. 2002a:35008

102. Dancer EN
E N Dancer: Degree theory on convex sets and applications to bifurcation, Calculus of variations and partial differential equations, Topics on geometrical evolution problems and degree theory, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, (2000), 185–241. ISBN 3-540-64803-8. 2002d:49002

103. Dancer EN, Yan S
E N Dancer and Shusen Yan: Singularly perturbed elliptic problems in exterior domains, Differential and Integral Equations, 13 (2000), 747–777. 2001c:35022

104. Dancer EN, Zhang Z
E N Dancer and Zhitao Zhang: Fucik spectrum, sign-changing, and multiple solutions for semilinear elliptic boundary value problems with resonance at infinity, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 250 (2000), 449–464. 2001m:47135

105. Dancer EN, Zhang K
E Norman Dancer, Kewei Zhang: Uniqueness of solutions for some elliptic equations and systems in nearly star-shaped domains, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods and Applications, 41 (2000), 745–761. 2001g:35069

106. Dancer EN, Yan S
E N Dancer and Shusen Yan: On the existence of multipeak solutions for nonlinear field equations on R^N, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 6 (2000), 39–50. 2000k:35081

107. Buffoni B, Dancer EN, Toland JF
B Buffoni, E N Dancer & J F Toland: The regularity and local bifurcation of steady periodic water waves, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 152 (2000), 207–240. 2002e:76010a

108. Buffoni B, Dancer EN, Toland JF
B Buffoni, E N Dancer & J F Toland: The sub-harmonic bifurcation of Stokes waves, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 152 (2000), 241–271. 2002e:76010b

109. Dancer EN, Lopez-Gomez J
E N Dancer and J Lopez-Gomez: Semiclassical analysis of general second order elliptic operators on bounded domains, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 352 (2000), 3723–3742. 2000m:35136

110. Dancer EN
E N Dancer: Infinitely many turning points for some supercritical problems, Annali Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta, CLXXVIII (2000), 225–233. 2002g:35077

111. Dancer EN, Hastings SP
E N Dancer and S P Hastings: On the global bifurcation diagram for the one-dimension Ginzburg-Landau model of superconductivity, European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 11 (2000), 271–291. 2002e:82071

112. Dancer EN
E N Dancer: A note on asymptotic uniqueness for some nonlinearities which change sign, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 61 (2000), 305–312. 2001f:35122

113. Dancer EN, Yan S
E N Dancer, Shusen Yan: Interior and boundary peak solutions for a mixed boundary value problem, Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 48 (1999), 1177–1212. 2001f:35146

114. Dancer EN, Yan S
E Norman Dancer, Shusen Yan: Effect of the domain geometry on the existence of multipeak solutions for an elliptic problem, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 14 (1999), 1–38. 2001b:35106

115. Dancer EN
E N Dancer: Remarks on jumping nonlinearities, Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations, Topics in Nonlinear Analysis, Birkhauser, Basel, Switzerland, (1999), 101–115. ISBN 3-7643-6016-X. 2000j:35061

116. Dancer EN
E N Dancer: Some slightly subcritical of slightly supercritical problems, Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, Joint Australian-Taiwanese Workshop on Analysis and Applications, CMA Proceedings, (1999), 1–5. ISBN 0 7315 5201 6.

117. Dancer EN, Poláčik P
E.N. Dancer and P. Polacik: Realization of vector fields and dynamics of spatially homogeneous parabolic equations, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 140 (1999), no. 668, 82pp. 99m:35125

118. Dancer EN, Rybicki SM
E. Norman Dancer and Slawomir Rybicki: A note on periodic solutions of autonomous Hamiltonian systems emanating from degenerate stationary solutions, Differential and Integral Equations, 12 (1999), no. 2, 147–160. 2000b:37065

119. Dancer EN, Yan S
E.N. Dancer and Shusen Yan: A singularly perturbed elliptic problem in bounded domains with nontrivial topology, Advances in Differential Equations, 4 (1999), no. 3, 347–368. 2000d:35009

120. Dancer EN, Yan S
E.N. Dancer and Shusen Yan: Multipeak solutions for a singularly perturbed Neumann problem, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 189 (1999), no. 2, 241–261. 2000d:35010

121. Dancer EN, Wei J
E.N. Dancer and Juncheng Wei: On the location of spikes of solutions with two sharp layers for a singularly perturbed semilinear Dirichlet problem, Journal of Differential Equations, 157 (1999), 82–101. 2000j:35017

122. Dancer EN, Hilhorst D, Mimura M, Peletier LA
E.N.Dancer, D. Hilhorst, M. Mimura and L.A. Peletier: Spatial segregation limit of a competition-diffusion system, European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 10 (1999), 97–115. 2001a:92030

123. Bates PW, Dancer EN, Shi J
Peter W. Bates, E. Norman Dancer, Junping Shi: Multi-spike stationary solutions of the Cahn-Hilliard equation in higher-dimension and instability, Advances in Differential Equations, 4 (1999), no. 1, 1–69. 99k:35097

124. Dancer EN, Wei J
E Norman Dancer and Juncheng Wei: On the effect of domain topology in a singular perturbation problem, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 11 (1998), 227–248. 2000a:35012

125. Dancer EN
E N Dancer: Remarks on the pure critical exponent problem, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 58 (1998), 338–344.

126. Dancer EN
E N Dancer: Superlinear problems on domains with holes of asymptotic shape and exterior problems, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 229 (1998), 475–492. 2000c:35058

127. Dancer EN
E N Dancer: Some remarks on a boundedness assumption for monotone dynamical systems, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 126 (1998), no. 3, 801–807. 98e:47085

128. Buffoni B, Dancer EN, Toland JF
Boris Buffoni, Edward Norman Dancer, John Francis Toland: Sur les ondes de Stokes et une conjecture de Levi-Civita, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série I. Mathématique, 326 (1998), 1265–1268. 99g:76014

129. Dancer EN
Norman Dancer: Competing species systems with diffusion and large interactions, Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico di Milano, 65 (1997), 23–33.

130. Dancer EN, Wei J
E.N. Dancer, Juncheng Wei: On the profile of solutions with two sharp layers to a singularly perturbed semilinear Dirichlet problem, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 127A (1997), 691–701. 98i:35012

131. Dancer EN
E.N. Dancer: Some singularly perturbed problems on annuli and a counterexample to a problem of Gidas, Ni and Nirenberg, The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 29 (1997), 322–326. 97m:35016

132. Dancer EN, Du Y
E.N. Dancer, Yihong Du: A note on multiple solutions of some semilinear elliptic problems, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 211 (1997), 626–640. 98g:35075

133. Dancer EN, Hirano N
E.N. Dancer, N. Hirano: Existence of stable and unstable periodic solutions for semilinear parabolic problems, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 3 (1997), no. 2, 207–216. 97j:35077

134. Dancer EN, Daners D
E.N. Dancer and D. Daners: Domain perturbation for elliptic equations subject to Robin boundary conditions, Journal of Differential Equations, 138 (1997), 86–132. 98e:35017

135. Dancer EN
E.N. Dancer: Domain variation for certain sets of solutions and applications, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 7 (1996), 95–113. 97m:35079

136. Dancer EN, Du Y
E.N. Dancer and Yihong Du: The generalized Conley index and multiple solutions of semilinear elliptic problems, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 1 (1996), 103–135. 97i:35048

137. Dancer EN
E.N. Dancer: A counterexample on competing species equations, Differential and Integral Equations, 9 (1996), 239–246. 97d:35220

138. Cao D, Dancer EN, Noussair ES, Yan S
Daomin Cao, Norman E. Dancer, Ezzat S. Noussair and Shunsen Yan: On the existence and profile of multi-peaked solutions to singularly perturbed semilinear Dirichlet problems, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2 (1996), 221–236. 96m:35095

139. Dancer EN
E.N. Dancer: Some remarks on classical problems and fine properties of Sobolev spaces, Differential and Integral Equations, 9 (1996), 437–446. 97e:35057

140. Dancer EN, Toland JF
E. N. Dancer and J. F. Toland: Real transformations with polynomial invariants, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 19 (1996), 99–122. 97c:58120

141. Dancer EN, Du Y
E.N. Dancer and Yihong Du: On sign-changing solutions of certain semilinear elliptic problems, Applicable Analysis, 56 (1995), 193–206. 97m:35061

142. Dancer EN
E N Dancer: On positive solutions of some singularly perturbed problems where the nonlinearity changes sign, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 5 (1995), 141–175. 96i:35037

143. Dancer EN, Du Y
E.N. Dancer and Yihong Du: Positive solutions for a three species competitive system -- II. the case of equal birth rates, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods and Applications, 24 (1995), 359–373. MR1312773

144. Dancer EN, Du Y
E.N. Dancer and Yihong Du: Positive solutions for a three species competitive system with diffusion -- I. general existence results, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods and Applications, 24 (1995), 337–357. MR1312772

145. Dancer EN, Du Y
E.N. Dancer and Yihong Du: Multiple solutions of some semilinear elliptic equations via the generalized Conley index, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 189 (1995), 848–871. 96a:35059

146. Dancer EN, López-Gómez L, Ortega R
E.N. Dancer, J. López-Gómez and R. Ortega: On the spectrum of some linear noncooperative elliptic systems with radial symmetry, Differential and Integral Equations, 8 (1995), 515–523. 95h:35055

147. Dancer EN, Guo ZM
Dancer EN, Guo Z: Some remarks on the stability of sign changing solutions, The Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series, 47 (1995), 199–225. MR1329521

148. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: On the uniqueness of the poitive solution of a singularity perturbed problem, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 25 (1995), 957–975. 96j:35021

149. Dancer EN, Du Y
Dancer EN, Du Y: Competing species equations with diffusion, large interactions and jumping singularities, Journal of Differential Equations, 114 (1994), 434–475. 95i:35296

150. Dancer EN, Hess P
Dancer EN, Hess P: The symmetry of positive solutions of periodic parabolic problems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 52 (1994), 81–89. 96a:35017

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