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101. Fu AMN, Gibson WG
Fu AMN, Gibson WG: Statistical analysis of a parallel dynamics autoassociative memory network, Australian Conference on Neural Networks, Melbourne, February 1993, Proceedings of the Fourth Australian Conference on Neural Networks, (1993), 90–93.

102. Bennett MR, Gibson WG, Robinson J
Bennett MR, Gibson WG, Robinson J: An autoassociative memory model for the CA3 region of the hippocampus, Proceedings of the Fourth Australian Conference on Neural Networks, Australian Conference on Neural Networks, Melbourne, February 1993, (1993), 1–4.

103. Bennett MR, Gibson WG, Poznanski RR
Bennett MR, Gibson WG, Poznanski RR: Extracellular current flow and potential during quantal transmission from varicosities in a smooth muscle syncytium, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, B342 (1993), 89–99.

104. Robinson J, Gibson WG
Robinson J, Gibson WG: Statistical analysis of the dynamics of an associative memory, 11th Australian Statistical Conference, (1992),

105. Bennett MR, Gibson WG, Poznanski RR
Bennett MR, Gibson WG, Poznanski RR: Extracellular current flow and potential during quantal transmission from varicosities in a smooth muscle syncytium, Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society Meeting, Sydney (September, 1992), Proceedings of the Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society, 23 (1992), 183P.

106. Gibson WG, Robinson J
Gibson WG, Robinson J: Sparse associative memory, Proceedings of the Third Australian Conference on Neural Networks, Australian Conference on Neural Networks, Canberra (February, 1992), (1992), 37–40.

107. Gibson WG, Robinson J, Bennett MR
Gibson WG, Robinson J, Bennett MR: An autoassociative memory model for the CA3 region of the hippocampus, ARC Cognitive Science Forum, Macquarie University, Sydney (January, 1992), (1992),

108. Adhikari SK, Gibson WG
Adhikari SK, Gibson WG: Low-energy behaviour of few-particle scattering amplitudes in two dimensions, Physical Review. A, 46 (1992), 3967–3977.

109. Gibson WG, Robinson J
Gibson WG, Robinson J: Statistical analysis of the dynamics of a sparse associative memory, Neural Networks, 5 (1992), 645–661.

110. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Hopfield neural nets and neural memory models, Australian Conference on Neural Networks (Tutorial Program), Sydney (February, 1991), (1991),

111. Gibson WG, Robinson J, Bennett MR
Gibson WG, Robinson J, Bennett MR: Probabilistic secretion of quanta in the central nervous system: granule cell synaptic control of pattern separation and activity regulation, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, 332 (1991), 199–220.

112. Gibson WG, Robinson J, Bennett MR
Gibson WG, Robinson J, Bennett MR: Probabilistic Secretion of Transmitter at Granule Cell Synapses: A Role in Pattern Separation and Activity Regulation, Proceedings of the First Australian Conference on Neural Networks, Australian Conference on Neural Networks, Sydney (January, 1990), (1990), 132–133.

113. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Hopfield networks, Workshop on foundation of connectionist modelling, UNSW July 1989, (1989),

114. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Levinson's theorem and the second virial coefficient in one, two and three dimensions, Physical Review. A, A 36 (1987), 564–575. 88k:81237

115. Gibson WG, Larsen SY, Popiel J
Gibson WG, Larsen SY, Popiel J: Hyperspherical harmonics in one-dimension: adiabatic effective potentials for three particles with delta-function interactions, Physical Review. A, A 35 (1987), 4919–4929.

116. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Applications of few-body methods in statistical mechanics, Few-Body Methods: Principles and Applications, International Symposium on Few-Body Methods, Nanning, China, (August 1985), Lim TK, et al. eds (eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, (1986), 637–659.

117. Adhikari SK, Gibson WG, Lim TK
Adhikari SK, Gibson WG, Lim TK: Effective range theory in two dimensions, Journal of Chemical Physics, 85 (1986), 5580–5583.

118. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Two-dimensional scattering: low-energy behaviour of the Jost function and Levinson's theorem, Physics Letters. A, 117 (1986), 107–110. 87g:81119

119. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Some applications of two-point Padé approximants to problems in statistical mechanics, Statistical Mechanics Meeting, Melbourne University (May, 1985), (1985),

120. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Quantum corrections to the second virial coefficient for hard discs, Molecular Physics, 56 (1985), 701–708.

121. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Hyperspherical harmonics and few-body problems in quantum statistical mechanics, Statistical Mechanics Meeting, ANU, Canberra (November, 1984), (1984),

122. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Padé approximant method for the statistical thermodynamics of a quantum system. II. Quartic anharmonic oscillator, Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 17 (1984), 1891–1901. 85g:82044b

123. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Padé approximant method for the statistical thermodynamics of a quantum system. I. General formulation and simple examples, Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 17 (1984), 1877–1890. 85g:82044a

124. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Low-temperature expansions for the second and third cluster integrals of a two-dimensional quantum system of hard discs, Molecular Physics, 49 (1983), 103–128.

125. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Third virial coefficient for quantum hard spheres: two-point Padé approximants for direct and exchange parts, Journal of Statistical Physics, 26 (1981), 333–346.

126. Gibson WG, Thompson RS
Gibson WG, Thompson RS: Neural model with probabilistic firing behaviour. II. One- and two-neuron networks, Mathematical Biosciences, 56 (1981), 255–285. 82j:92036b

127. Gibson WG, Thompson RS
Gibson WG, Thompson RS: Neural model with probabilistic firing behaviour. I. General considerations, Mathematical Biosciences, 56 (1981), 239–253. 82j:92036a

128. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Quantum corections to the second virial coefficient for potentials with a hard core, Journal of Chemical Physics, 74 (1981), 237–239.

129. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Two-point Padé approximants and the virial coefficients for a quantum gas of hard spheres, Australian Mathematical Society Applied Mathematics Conference, Cowes (February, 1980), (1980),

130. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Quantum-mechanical third virial coefficient for hard spheres. Application of two-point Padé approximant, Molecular Physics, 40 (1980), 237–239.

131. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Variational principle for the Wigner distribution function, Australian Mathematical Society Applied Mathematics Conference, Leura (February, 1979), (1979),

132. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Variational Principle for the equilibrium Wigner distribution function, Physica, 98A (1979), 298–306. 81a:82017

133. Gibson WG, Thompson RS
Gibson WG, Thompson RS: Powers of nonsymmetric stochastic matrices: comment on a paper by Little, Ng and Shaw, Mathematical Biosciences, 42 (1978), 37–41. 58:28044b

134. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Quantum corrections to fluid properties, Statistical Mechanics Meeting, Melbourne University (May, 1976), (1976),

135. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Quantum corrections to the properties of a dense fluid with non-analytic intermolecular potential function. II. Hard spheres, Molecular Physics, 30 (1975), 13–30.

136. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Quantum corrections to the properties of a dense fluid with non-analytic intermolecular potential function. I. The general case, Molecular Physics, 30 (1975), 1–11.

137. Byrnes SG, Gibson WG
Byrnes SG, Gibson WG: Quantum-mechanical radial distribution function for a hard-sphere gas at low density and high temperature, Physical Review. A, 11 (1975), 270–275.

138. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Quantum corrections to the radial distribution function of a fluid, Molecular Physics, 28 (1974), 793–800.

139. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Quantum corrections to the virial coefficients for potentials with hard cores, Physical Review. A, 7 (1973), 822–824.

140. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Expansion for the quantum second virial coefficient using hard-sphere basis functions, Journal of Chemical Physics, 59 (1973), 991.

141. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Quantum corrections to the equation of state for nonanalytic potentials, Physical Review. A, 5 (1972), 862–867.

142. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Logarithmic term in the low-temperature expansion of the third quantum cluster coefficient of a quantum gas, Physics Letters. A, 38A (1972), 331–332.

143. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Low-temperature expansion of the third cluster coefficient of a quantum gas, Physical Review. A, 6 (1972), 2469–2477.

144. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Classical limit of the binary-collision expansion, Physical Review. A, 4 (1971), 2108–2109.

145. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Bound state and continuum contributions to the two-body partition function, Physics Letters. A, 36A (1971), 403–404.

146. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Quantum-mechanical second virial coefficient at high temperatures, Physical Review. A, 2 (1970), 996–1002.

147. Gibson WG
Gibson WG: Application of the Faddeev equations to the calculation of the quantum-mechanical third virial coefficient, Physics Letters. A, 21 (1966), 619–621.

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