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101. Thavaneswaran A, Peiris MS
A Thavaneswaran, Shelton Peiris: Hypothesis testing for some time-series models: a power comparison, Statistics and Probability Letters, 38 (1998), 151–156. 99e:62166

102. Abraham B, Thavaneswaran A, Peiris MS
Bovas Abraham, A. Thavaneswaran and Shelton Peiris: On the prediction scheme for some nonlinear time series models using estimating functions, Selected Proceedings of the Symposium on Estimating Functions, Symposium on Estimating Functions, Ishwar V. Basawa, V.P. Godambe and Robert Taylor (eds.), Lecture Notes - Monograph Series, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Hayward, California, (1997), 259–271.

103. Anh V, Lunney K, Peiris MS
V. Anh, K. Lunney, S. Peiris: Stochastic models for characterisation and prediction of time series with long-range dependence and fractality, Environmental Modelling and Software, 12 (1997), no. 1, 67–73.

104. Singha N, Peiris MS
N. Singha and M. S. Peiris: A simulation study on vector arma processes with nonstationary innovation: a new approach to identification, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 58 (1997), 37–58.

105. Peiris MS, Singha N
M. Shelton Peiris and N. Singh: Predictors for seasonal and nonseasonal fractionally integrated arima models, Biometrical Journal, 38 (1996), 741–752. 99c:62260

106. Peiris MS
M. Shelton Peiris: Improving the precision of forecasting, Microelectronics and Reliability, 36 (1996), 1375–1378.

107. Thavaneswaran A, Peiris MS
A. Thavaneswaran and Shelton Peiris: Nonparametric estimation for some nonlinear models, Statistics and Probability Letters, 28 (1996), 227–233. 97e:62113

108. Poznanski RR, Peiris MS
Roman R. Poznanski and M. Shelton Peiris: Subthreshold response to white-noise current input in a tapering cable model of a neuron, IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied In Medicine and Biology, 13 (1996), 207–222.

109. Peiris MS
Peiris MS: Some Aspects of Forecasting with Vector MA Processes, Bulletin of the Calcutta Statistical Association, 44 (1995), 175–176.

110. Rai SN, Abraham B, Peiris MS
Rai SN, Abraham B, Peiris MS: Analysis of Short Time Series with Over-dispersion Model, Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods, 24 (1995), no. 2, 335–348. MR1345662

111. Chen G, Abraham B, Peiris MS
Chen G, Abraham B, Peiris MS: Lag window estimation of the degree of differencing in fractionally integrated time series models, Journal of Time Series Analysis, 15 (1994), no. 5, 473–487. MR1292162

112. Peiris MS, Court JR
Peiris MS, Court JR: A note on the estimation of the degree of differencing in long memory time series, Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 14 (1993), no. 2, 223–229. 96b:62145

113. Peiris MS
Peiris MS: Some aspects of forecasting with vector ARMA processes, 11th Australian Statistical Conference, University of WA, Perth, (1992),

114. Peiris MS
Peiris MS: Some non-stationary ARMA models, Advances in Modelling and Simulation, 27 (1991), 21–34.

115. Peiris MS
Peiris MS: Multivariate ARMA processes with nonstationary innovations, 10th Australian Statistical Conference, University of NSW, (1990),

116. Peiris MS
Peiris MS: Analysis of multivariate ARMA processes with nonstationary innovations, Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods, 19 (1990), 2847–2852. 92b:62135

117. Peiris MS, Singh N
Peiris MS, Singh N: Optimal experimental design for linear time series models with stochastic coefficients, Journal of the Indian Society for Statistics and Operations Research, 10 (1989), 1–4. MR1201934

118. Peiris MS, Perera BJC
Peiris MS, Perera BJC: On the prediction with fractionally differenced ARMA models, Journal of Time Series Analysis, 9 (1988), 215–220. 90a:62250

119. Peiris MS
Peiris MS: On the study of some functions of Multivariate ARMA processes, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 25 (1988), no. 1, 146–151. 89d:62094

120. Peiris MS, Singh N
Peiris, M.S. and Singh, N.: Optimal experimental design for linear time series models with stochastic coefficients, Journal of the Indian Society for Statistics and Operations Research, 8 (1987), 1–9. MR0918016

121. Peiris MS, Singh N
Peiris MS, Singh N: On prediction of multivariate ARMA processes with a time dependent covariance structure, Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods, 17 (1987), 27–37. MR0951704

122. Peiris MS, Singh N
Peiris MS, Singh N: A simple and asymptotically optimal test of equality for \(q > 2\) multivariate normal distributions: A pragmatic approach to one way classification, Microelectronics and Reliability, 27 (1987), 567–573.

123. Peiris MS, Singh N
Peiris MS, Singh N: A note on the properties of some nonstationary ARMA processes, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 24 (1987), 151–155. 88g:60099

124. Peiris MS
Peiris MS: A note on the predictors of differenced sequences, The Australian Journal of Statistics, 29 (1987), 42–48. 88g:62202

125. Peiris MS
Peiris MS: On prediction with time dependent ARMA models, Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods, 15 (1986), 3659–3668. MR0871332

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