


Publication Search Results

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201. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Perturbation of zeros in the presence of symmetries, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. (Series A), 36 (1984), 106–125. 85g:58027

202. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Bifurcation under continuous groups of symmetries, Proceedings of the NATO conference, Systems on nonlinear partial differential equations, Reidel, (1983), 343–350. MR0725531

203. Dancer EN, Nussbaum R, Stuart C
Dancer EN, Nussbaum R, Stuart C: Quasinormal cones in Banach spaces, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods and Applications, 7 (1983), 539–553. MR0698364

204. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Breaking of symmetries for forced equations, Mathematische Annalen, 262 (1983), 473–486. 85g:58026

205. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Non-uniqueness for nonlinear boundary-value problems, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 13 (1983), 401–412. 85h:58031

206. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: On the existence of zeros of perturbed operators, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods and Applications, 9 (1983), 717–727. MR0707080

207. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: On the indices of fixed points in cones and applications, Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 91 (1983), 131–151. 84d:58020

208. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Solvability of some asymptotically homogeneous problems, Miniconference on partial differential equations, Centre for Mathematical Analysis Proceedings, 1 ANU Press, (1982), MR0758455

209. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: On the use of asymptotics in some nonlinear boundary value problems, Annali di Matematica, 131 (1982), 167–185. 84h:34044

210. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: The implicit function theorem with symmetries in infinite dimensions, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics, 92A (1982), 13–30. 84c:58010

211. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Asymptotically homogeneous problems and symmetries, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods and Applications, 6 (1982), 667–686. MR0664144

212. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: On the existence of solutions of certain asymptotically homogeneous problems, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 177 (1981), 33–48. 82f:58029

213. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: On the structure of solutions of an equation in chemical catalysis theory when a parameter is large, Journal of Differential Equations, 37 (1980), 404–437. 82b:35018

214. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: An implicit function theorem with symmetries and its applications to nonlinear eigenvalue problems, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 21 (1980), 81–91. 81e:58021

215. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: On the existence of bifurcating solutions in the presence of symmetries, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics, 85A (1980), 321–336. 82a:58017

216. Dancer EN, Sims B
Dancer EN, Sims B: Weak star separability, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, (1979), 253–257. 81g:46030

217. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: On radially symmetric bifurcation, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 20 (1979), 287–292. 80k:35009

218. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: On the ranges of certain damped nonlinear differential equations, Annali Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta, 119 (1979), 281–295. MR0551231

219. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: On the ranges of certain weakly nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 57 (1978), 351–366. 80g:35055

220. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Asymptotics applied to nonlinear boundary value problems, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 18 (1978), 29–35. 58:1345

221. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Some remarks on a theorem of Kachurovskii, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 62 (1978), 525–529. 58:2496

222. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: On the Dirichlet problem for weakly nonlinear partial differential equations, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics, 76A (1977), 283–300. 58:17506

223. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations on infinite intervals II, The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford. Second Series, 28 (1977), 101–115. 56:3395

224. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Boundary value problems for weakly nonlinear ordinary differential equations, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 15 (1976), 321–328. 55:3389

225. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: A note on a paper of Fučík and Nečas, Mathematische Nachrichten, 73 (1976), 151–153. 55:1042

226. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: A note on a nonlinear elliptic eigenvalue problem, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 12 (1976), 399–405.

227. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations on infinite intervals, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 30 (1975), 76–94. 52:867

228. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: On the structure of solutions of nonlinear eigenvalue problems, Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 23 (1974), 1069–1076. 50:1065

229. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: A note on bifurcation from infinity, The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford. Second Series, 25 (1974), 81–84. 49:11338

230. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Solution branches for mappings in cones, and applications, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 11 (1974), 131–143. 52:1437

231. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Bifurcation theory for analytic operators, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 26 (1973), 359–384. 48:977

232. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Global solution branches for positive mappings, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 52 (1973), 181–192. 50:5563

233. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Global structure of the solutions of nonlinear real analytic eigenvalue problems, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 27 (1973), 747–765. 51:11215

234. Dancer EN
Dancer EN: Bifurcation theory in real Banach space, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 23 (1971), 699–734. 46:4296

235. Brown A, Dancer EN
Brown A, Dancer EN: Functions of asymptotic expansions, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 4 (1971), 225–258.

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