


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

251. Seneta E
Seneta E: Boscovich, Ruggiero Giuseppe, Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Kotz S, Johnson NL eds (eds.), 1 J. Wiley and Sons, New York, (1982), 303–304.

252. Seneta E
Seneta E: Boltzmann, Ludwig Edward, Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Kotz S, Johnson NL eds (eds.), 1 J. Wiley and Sons, New York, (1982), 293–294.

253. Seneta E
Seneta E: Bienaymé, Irenee-Jules, Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Kotz S, Johnson NL eds (eds.), 1 J. Wiley and Sons, New York, (1982), 231–233.

254. Seneta E
Seneta E: Bernstein, Sergei Natanovich, Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Kotz S, Johnson NL eds (eds.), 1 J. Wiley and Sons, New York, (1982), 221–223.

255. Seneta E
Seneta E: Abbe, Ernst, Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Kotz S, Johnson NL eds (eds.), 1 J. Wiley and Sons, New York, (1982), 2–3.

256. Goldie CM, Seneta E
Goldie CM, Seneta E: On domains of partial attraction, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. (Series A), 32 (1982), 328–331. 83f:60040

257. Seneta E
Seneta E: Entropy and martingales in Markov chain models, Essays in Statistical Science (Papers in honour of P.A.F. Moran), Gani J, Hannan EJ (eds.), Journal of Applied Probability, 19A (1982), 367–381. MR0633206

258. Seneta E, Weber NC
Seneta E, Weber NC: Attainable bounds for expectations, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 33 (1982), 411–420. 84c:60030

259. Seneta E, Sheridan S
Seneta E, Sheridan S: Strong ergodicity of non-negative matrix products, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 37 (1981), 277–292. 83c:15018

260. Seneta E
Seneta E: Least squares in pre-revolutionary Russia, First Australian Conference on the History of Mathematics, Crossley JN (ed.), (1981), MR0719544

261. Seneta E
Seneta E: Non-Negative Matrices and Markov Chains, 2nd edition Springer-Verlag, New York, (1981),

262. Seneta E
Seneta E: Computing the stationary distribution for infinite Markov chains, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 34 (1980), 259–267. 82a:60103

263. Kang KM, Seneta E
Kang KM, Seneta E: Path Analysis: An Exposition, Developments in Statistics, Krishnaiah PR (ed.), 3 Academic Press, New York, (1980), 217–246. MR0597900

264. Seneta E
Seneta E: Another look at independence of hitting place and time for the simple random walk, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 10 (1980), 101–104. 82f:60158

265. Seneta E
Seneta E: Coefficients of ergodicity: structure and applications, Advances in Applied Probability, 11 (1979), 576–590. 80d:60088

266. Seneta E
Seneta E: Round the historical work on Bienaymé, The Australian Journal of Statistics, 21 (1979), 209–220. 81c:62003

267. Seneta E
Seneta E: Pascal and probability, Interactive Statistics, McNeil D (ed.), North-Holland, Amsterdam, (1979),

268. Seneta E
Seneta E: A relaxation view of a genetic problem, Advances in Applied Probability, 10 (1978), 716–721.

269. Hoppe FM, Seneta E
Hoppe FM, Seneta E: Analytical Methods for Discrete Branching Processes, In Branching Processes, Joffe A, Ney P (eds.), Advances in Probability and Related Topics, 5 Marcel Dekker, New York, (1978), 219–261. MR0517536

270. Heyde CC, Seneta E
Heyde CC, Seneta E: Bienaymé, Irenee-Jules, Dictionary of Scientific Biography, 15 Scribner's, New York, (1977), 30–33.

271. Allen B, Anderssen RS, Seneta E
Allen B, Anderssen RS, Seneta E: Computation of stationary measures for infinite Markov chains, TIMS Studies in the Management Sciences, 7 (1977), 13–23. MR0651742

272. Hudson IL, Seneta E
Hudson IL, Seneta E: A note on simple branching processes with infinite mean, Journal of Applied Probability, 14 (1977), 836–842. 57:1677

273. Chatterjee S, Seneta E
Chatterjee S, Seneta E: Towards consensus: some convergence theorems on repeated averaging, Journal of Applied Probability, 14 (1977), 89–97. 55:1475

274. Heyde CC, Seneta E
Heyde CC, Seneta E: I.-J. Bienaymé: Statistical Theory Anticipated, Springer, New York, (1977),

275. Dubuc S, Seneta E
Dubuc S, Seneta E: The local limit theorem for the Galton-Watson process, The Annals of Probability, 4 (1976), 490–496. 53:9402

276. Seneta E
Seneta E: The principle of random union of gametes in a finite population, Combinatorial Mathematics IV. Proceedings of the 4th Australian Conference (Adelaide, 1975), Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 560 Springer, Berlin, (1976), 215–219. MR0429171

277. Seneta E
Seneta E: The condition of truncations of a stochastic matrix, Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods, B5 (1976), 144–145.

278. Pentony S, Seneta E
Pentony S, Seneta E: Partition of the genotypic variance and mean fitness change for autopolyploids, Biometrische Zeitschrift, 18 (1976), 301–311. 56:11079

279. Seneta E
Seneta E: On a contribution of Cauchy to linear regression theory, Annales de la Societé Scientifique de Bruxelles. Série I. Sciences Mathématiques, Astronomiques et Physiques, 90 (1976), 229–235. 55:6714

280. Seneta E
Seneta E: Some supplementary notes on one-type continuous-state branching processes, Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie verw. Gebiete, 34 (1976), 87–89. MR0397913

281. Seneta E
Seneta E: On a functional equation with asymptotically unique continuous solutions, Aequationes Mathematicae, 14 (1976), 456–459.

282. Seneta E
Seneta E: Regularly Varying Functions, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer, Berlin, 408 (1976), MR0453936

283. Heyde CC, Seneta E
Heyde CC, Seneta E: Bienaymé, Proceedings of the 40th Session, International Statistical Institute, Warsaw 1975, Bull. Int. Statist. Inst., 46 (1975), 318–331. MR0467978

284. Hughes PJ, Seneta E
Hughes PJ, Seneta E: Selection equilibria in a multiallele single-locus setting, Heredity, 35 (1975), 185–194.

285. Galambos J, Seneta E
Galambos J, Seneta E: Record Times, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 50 (1975), 383–387. 51:4353

286. Seneta E
Seneta E: Characterization by functional equations of branching process limit laws, Statistical Distributions in Scientific Work : Characterizations and Applications, Patil GP, Kotz S, Ord JK (eds.), 3 Reidel, Dordrecht, (1975), 249–255.

287. Heyde CC, Seneta E
Heyde CC, Seneta E: The genetic balance between random sampling and random population size, Mathematical Biology, 1 (1975), 317–320. 54:2244

288. Seneta E
Seneta E: Normed-convergence theory for supercritical branching processes, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 3 (1975), 35–43. 50:14979

289. Heyde CC, Seneta E
Heyde CC, Seneta E: Notes on "Estimation theory for growth and immigration rates in a multiplicative process", Journal of Applied Probability, 11 (1974), 572–577. 51:4437

290. Seneta E
Seneta E: Regularly varying functions in the theory of simple branching processes, Advances in Applied Probability, 6 (1974), 408–420. 54:8905

291. Golub GH, Seneta E
Golub GH, Seneta E: Computation of the stationary distribution of an infinite stochastic matrix of special form, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 10 (1974), 225–261.

292. Seneta E
Seneta E: A note on the balance between random sampling and population size (On the 30th anniversary of G. Malecot's paper), Genetics, 77 (1974), 607–610. 53:2418

293. Seneta E
Seneta E: The simple branching process with infinite mean, I, Journal of Applied Probability, 10 (1973), 206–212. 54:1408

294. Seneta E
Seneta E: On strong ergodicity of inhomogeneous products of finite stochastic matrices, Studia Mathematica, 46 (1973), 241–247. 48:11168

295. Seneta E
Seneta E: An interpretation of some aspects of Karamata's theory of regular variation, Publications de l'Institut Mathématique, Académie Serbe des Sciences, 15 (1973), 111–119. MR0330362

296. Seneta E
Seneta E: A Tauberian theorem of R. Landau and W. Feller, The Annals of Probability, 1 (1973), 1057–1058. 50:10598

297. Seneta E
Seneta E: On a genetic inequality, Biometrics, 29 (1973), 810–814. 49:2130

298. Seneta E
Seneta E: On the historical development of the theory of finite inhomogeneous Markov chains, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 74 (1973), 507–513. 48:9855

299. Galambos J, Seneta E
Galambos J, Seneta E: Regularly varying sequences, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 41 (1973), 110–116. 48:2316

300. Golub GH, Seneta E
Golub GH, Seneta E: Computation of the stationary distribution of an infinite Markov matrix, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 8 (1973), 333–342. 50:8710

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