


Publication Search Results

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51. Fraser WB, Farnell L, Stump DM
Fraser WB, Farnell L, Stump DM: Effect of yarn non-uniformity on the stability of the ring-spinning balloon, Royal Society of London. Proceedings. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 449 (1995), 597–621.

52. Fraser WB
Fraser WB: Lagrangian Dynamics, School of Mathematics and Statistics, (1995),

53. Huang X, Karihaloo BL, Fraser WB
X Huang, B L Karihaloo and W B Fraser: Contribution of first-order moduli differences to dilatant transformation toughening, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 30 (1993), no. 2, 151–160.

54. Fraser WB
Fraser WB: Air drag and friction in the two-for-one twistor: Results from the theory, Journal of the Textile Institute, 84 (1993), 364–375.

55. Fraser WB
Fraser WB: The dynamics of ballooning yarns in ring spinning and two-for-one twisting, Proceedings of the IVth Polish Conference on Textile and Crane Machines, Polish Conference on Textile and Crane Machines, Bielsko-Biala, (1993), 61–78.

56. Fraser WB
Fraser WB: On the theory of the two-for-one twister, Royal Society of London. Proceedings. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, A 447 (1993), 409–425.

57. Fraser WB
Fraser WB: On the dynamical theory of yarn balloons, 29th Australian Applied Mathematics Conference, Hahndorf, February 1993, (1993),

58. Fraser WB
Fraser WB: On the theory of ring spinning, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, A342 (1993), MR1253327

59. Fraser WB
Fraser WB: On the theory of ring spinning, 28th Australian Applied Mathematics Conference, Bateman's Bay, February 1992, (1992),

60. Fraser WB, Ghosh TK, Batra SK
Fraser WB, Ghosh TK, Batra SK: On unwinding yarn from a cylindrical package, Royal Society of London. Proceedings. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, A436 (1992), 479–498. 93e:73031

61. Huang X, Fraser WB, Karihaloo BL
Huang X, Fraser WB, Karihaloo BL: Contribution of first-order moduli differences to dilatant transformation toughening, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 30 (1992), 151–160.

62. Fraser WB
Fraser WB: The effect of yarn elasticity on the unwinding balloon, Journal of the Textile Institute, 83 (1992), 603–613.

63. Fraser WB
Fraser WB: Unravelling the unwinding problem, 27th Australian Applied Mathematics Conference, Hanmer Springs, New Zealand, February 1991, (1991),

64. Fraser WB
Fraser WB: The unwinding problem: a moving boundary value problem, Mini-conference on approximate methods for boundary value problems, Centre for Mathematical Analysis, ANU, (1990), MR1123673

65. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: An introduction to stochastic differential equations, International Journal of Mathematics Education, Science and Technology, 14 (1983), 181–188.

66. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: Separable equations for a cylindrical anisotropic elastic waveguide, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 72 (1980), 151–157.

67. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: Orthogonality of the elastodynamic eigenfunctions for a cylinder of arbitrary cross-section, Mechanics Research Communications, 6 (1979), 217–222. 80m:73028

68. Fraser WB
W.B. Fraser: On the orthogonality of the axisymetric axial eigenfunctions for an elastic circular cylinder, Mechanics Research Communications, 4 (1977), 303–307. MR0464836

69. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: Orthogonality relation for the Rayleigh-Lamb modes of vibration of a plate, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 59 (1976), 215–216.

70. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: An orthogonality relation for the modes of wave propagation in an elastic circular cylinder, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 43 (1975), 568–571.

71. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: Narrow-bandwidth pulses in elastic bars, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 58 (1975), 1096–1098.

72. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: Bending of a stretched plate containing an eccentrically plate-reinforced hole of arbitrary shape, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 11 (1975), 1245–1256.

73. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: Bending of a radially prestressed annular plate by tilting a central rigid inclusion, Journal of Elasticity, 5 (1975), 129–140.

74. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: Bending of a highly stretched plate containing an eccentrically plate-reinforced circular hole, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 11 (1975), 501–518.

75. Amazigo JC, Fraser WB
J C Amazigo, W B Fraser: Buckling under external pressure of cylindrical shells with dimple shaped initial imperfections, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 7 (1971), 883–900.

76. Fraser WB, Booker RE
W B Fraser, R E Booker: Dispersion of elastic waves in a triangular bar, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 18 (1971), 261–269.

77. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: Longitudinal elastic waves in square bars, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 37 (1970), 537–538.

78. Fraser WB, Budiansky B
W B Fraser, Bernard Budiansky: The buckling of a column with random initial deflections, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 36 (1969), 233–240.

79. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: Stress wave propagation in rectangular bars, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 5 (1969), 379–297.

80. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: Dispersion of elastic waves in elliptical bars, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 10 (1969), 247–260.

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