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51. Butler S, Joshi N
Samuel Butler and Nalini Joshi: An inverse scattering transform for the lattice potential KdV equation, Inverse Problems, 26 (2010), 28 pages.

52. Brown N, Bower M, Skalicky J, Wood LN, Donovan D, Loch B, Bloom W, Joshi N
Natalie Brown, Matt Bower, Jane Skalicky, Leigh Wood, Diane Donovan, Birgit Loch, Walter Bloom and Nalini Joshi: A professional development framework for teaching in higher education, Refereed papers from the 33rd HERDSA Annual International Conference, Research and Development in Higher Education: Reshaping Higher Education, HERDSA Conferences, Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia, Inc., Australia, (2010), 133 – 143. ISBN 9780908557806.

53. Ramani A, Grammaticos B, Joshi N
A Ramani, B Grammaticos and N Joshi: Second-degree discrete Painlevé equations conceal first-degree ones, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 43 (2010), 175207 (9pp).

54. Kassotakis P, Joshi N
Pavlos Kassotakis and Nalini Joshi: Integrable Non-QRT Mappings of the Plane, Letters in mathematical physics, 91 (2010), no. 1, 71–81. MR2577300

55. Joshi N, Kitaev AV, Treharne PA
N Joshi, A V Kitaev and P A Treharne: On the linearization of the first and second Painlev´e equations, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 42 (2009), 055208. MR2525382

56. Joshi N, Spicer P
Nalini Joshi and Paul Spicer: Direct "Delay" Reductions of the Toda Hierarchy, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 78 (2009), no. 9, 094006–1 to 094006–5.

57. Joshi N, Lafortune S, Ramani A
N Joshi, S Lafortune and A Ramani: Hirota bilinear formalism and ultra-discrete singularity analysis, Nonlinearity, 22 (2009), 871–887. MR2486361

58. Joshi N, Morrison T
Nalini Joshi and Tegan Morrison: Existence and uniqueness of Tronquée solutions of the fourth-order Jimbo-Miwa second Painlevé equation, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 137 (2009), no. 6, 2005–2014. MR2480282

59. Joshi N
Nalini Joshi: Direct 'delay' reductions of the Toda equation, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 42 (2009), 022001–022009.

60. Joshi N, Morrison T
Nalini Joshi and Tegan Morrison: New Exact Solutions of Spatially and Temporally Varying Reaction-Diffusion Equations, Analysis and Applications, 6 (2008), no. 4, 371 – 381. MR2459116

61. Field CM, Joshi N, Nijhoff FW
Chris M Field, Nalini Joshi and Frank W Nijhoff: \(q\)-difference equations of KdV type and Chazy-type second-degree difference equations, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 41 (2008), no. 33, 13 pages.

62. Joshi N, Kitaev AV, Treharne PA
N. Joshi, A. V. Kitaev and P. A. Treharne: On the linearization of the Painlevé III--VI equations and reductions of the three-wave resonant system, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 48 (2007), no. 10, 103512 (42pp).

63. Miura RM, Ablowitz MJ, Costin O, Joshi N, Kulsrud R, Zabusky NJ
Robert M. Miura, Mark J. Ablowitz, Ovidiu Costin, Nalini Joshi, Russell Kulsrud, Norman J. Zabusky: Obituaries: Martin David Kruskal, SIAM News, 40 (2007), no. 3,

64. Clarkson PA, Joshi N, Mazzocco M
Peter A Clarkson, Nalini Joshi and Marta Mazzocco: The Lax Pair for the MKDV Hierarchy, Th'eories asymptotics et equations de Painlev'e, Seminaires et Congres, Societe Mathematique de France, France, (2007), 53–64. ISBN 978-2-85629-229-7.

65. Joshi N, Ormerod CM
Nalini Joshi and Chris Ormerod: The general theory of linear difference equations over the max-plus semiring, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 118 (2007), 85–97. MR2283569

66. Hay M, Hietarinta J, Joshi N, Nijhoff FW
Mike Hay, Jarmo Hietarinta, Nalini Joshi and Frank Nijhoff: A Lax pair for a lattice modified KdV equation, reductions to \(q\)-Painlevé equations and associated Lax pairs, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 40 (2007), no. 2, F61–F73. MR2303490

67. Joshi N, Pickering A
Nalini Joshi and Andrew Pickering: Generalized Halphen systems, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 136A (2006), 1287–1301. MR2290134

68. Joshi N, Kajiwara K, Mazzocco M
Nalini Joshi, Kenji Kajiwara and Marta Mazzocco: Generating function associated with the Hankel determinant formula for the solutions of the Painlevé IV equation, Funkcialaj Ekvacioj, 49 (2006), 451–468. MR2297948

69. Joshi N
N. Joshi: Painlevé Equations, Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Physics, 4 (2006), 1–5.

70. Joshi N, Grammaticos B, Tamizhmani T, Ramani A
N. Joshi, B. Grammaticos, T. Tamizhmani and A. Ramani: From integrable lattices to Non-QRT mappings, Letters in Mathematical Physics, 78 (2006), no. 1, 27–37. MR2271126

71. Gordoa PR, Joshi N, Pickering A
Pilar R. Gordoa, Nalini Joshi, Andrew Pickering: Second and fourth Painlevé hierarchies and Jimbo-Miwa linear problems, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 47 (2006), 073504. MR2250304

72. Ramani A, Joshi N, Grammaticos B, Tamizhmani T
A Ramani, N Joshi, B Grammaticos, T Tamizhmani: Deconstructing an integrable lattice equation, Journal of Physics. A, 39 (2006), no. 8, L145–L149. MR2209299

73. Joshi N, Lafortune S
N Joshi and S Lafortune: Integrable ultra-discrete equations and singularity analysis, Nonlinearity, 19 (2006), 1295–1312. MR2230000

74. Gordoa PR, Joshi N, Pickering A
Pilar R Gordoa, Nalini Joshi, Andrew Pickering: Bäcklund transformations for fourth Painlevé hierarchies, Journal of Differential Equations, 217 (2005), 124–153. MR2170530

75. Joshi N, Kitaev AV
N. Joshi and A. V. Kitaev: The Dirichlet boundary value problem for real solutions of the first Painlevé equation on segments in non-positive semi-axis, Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 583 (2005), 29–86. MR2146852

76. Joshi N, Lafortune S
N. Joshi and S. Lafortune: How to detect integrability in cellular automata, Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 38 (2005), L499–L504. MR2166619

77. Joshi N
Nalini Joshi: Asymptotics for extended cellular automata, Recent trends in exponential asymptotics, Recent Trends in Exponential Asymptotics, Yoshitsugu Takei (ed.), RIMS Kokyuroku Series, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto, Japan, (2005), 156–159.

78. Joshi N
Nalini Joshi: Solitons, Encyclopedia of Nonlinear Science, 1 (2005), 849–852.

79. Joshi N, Kajiwara K, Mazzocco M
Nalini Joshi, Kenji Kajiwara & Marta Mazzocco: Generating function associated with the determinant formula for the solutions of the Painlevé II equation, Astérisque, 297 (2004), 67–78. MR2135675

80. Kruskal MD, Joshi N, Halburd RG
M D Kruskal, N Joshi and R Halburd: Analytic and Asymptotic Methods for Nonlinear Singularity Analysis: A Review and Extensions of Tests for the Painlevé Property, Integrability of Nonlinear Systems, Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer/Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, (2004), 175–208. ISBN 3-540-20630-2.

81. Joshi N, Nijhoff FW, Ormerod CM
N. Joshi, F. W. Nijhoff, C. Ormerod: Lax pairs for ultra-discrete Painlevé cellular automata, Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 37 (2004), L559–L565. MR2098040

82. Joshi N
Nalini Joshi: The second Painlevé hierarchy and the stationary KdV hierarchy, Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 40 (2004), 1039–1061. MR2074710

83. Clarkson PA, Hone ANW, Joshi N
P. A. Clarkson, A. N. W. Hone and N. Joshi: Hierarchies of difference equations and Bäcklund transformations, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 10 (2003), 13–26. MR2062265

84. Joshi N
N. Joshi: Tritronquée solutions of perturbed first Painlevé equations, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 137 (2003), 1515–1519. MR2057895

85. Gordoa PR, Joshi N, Pickering A
P. R. Gordoa, N. Joshi and A. Pickering: A new technique in nonlinear singularity analysis, Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 39 (2003), 435–449. MR2001184

86. Joshi N
Nalini Joshi: Hunting Mathematical Butterflies, Nonlinear Dynamics, From Lasers to Butterflies, World Scientific Lecture Notes in Complex Systems, 1 World Scientific, Singapore, (2003), 77–114. ISBN 981-238-320-4. MR2014643

87. Maruno KI, Ohta Y, Joshi N
Ken-Ichi Maruno, Yasuhiro Ohta and Nalini Joshi: Exact localized solutions of quintic discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Physics Letters. A, 311 (2003), 214–220. 2004f:39047

88. Joshi N, Mazzocco M
N. Joshi and M. Mazzocco: Existence and uniqueness of tri-tronquée solutions of the second Painlevé hierarchy, Nonlinearity, 16 (2003), 427–439. 2004a:34172

89. Joshi N
Nalini Joshi (ed): Kruskal 2000, Papers from the International Conference on Integrable Systems held in celebration of the 75th birthday of Martin David Kruskal, Kruskal 2000, Australian Mathematical Society, Canberra, (2002), 1–180. MR1919919

90. Hone ANW, Joshi N, Kitaev AV
A.N.W. Hone, N. Joshi and A. V. Kitaev: An entire function defined by a nonlinear recurrence relation, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 66 (2002), 377–387. 2003g:30045

91. Cresswell C, Joshi N
C. Cresswell and N. Joshi: Consistent composition of Bäcklund transformations produces confined maps, Letters in Mathematical Physics, 61 (2002), no. 1, 1–14. 2004a:39029

92. Joshi N
N. Joshi: Review of "Geometric Approaches to Differential Equations", 44 (2002), 148–150.

93. Gordoa PR, Joshi N, Pickering A
P R Gordoa, N Joshi and A Pickering: On a generalized \(2+1\) dispersive water wave hierarchy, Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 37 (2001), 327–347.

94. Gordoa PR, Joshi N, Pickering A
Pilar R Gordoa, Nalini Joshi, Andrew Pickering: On a generalized \(2+1\) dispersive water wave hierarchy, Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 37 (2001), 327–347. MR1855426

95. Gordoa PR, Joshi N, Pickering A
P Gordoa, N Joshi and A Pickering: Truncation-type methods and Bäcklund transformations for ordinary differential equations: the third and fifth Painlevé equations, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 43A (2001), 23–32. 2002h:34189

96. Gordoa PR, Joshi N, Pickering A
P Gordoa, N Joshi and A Pickering: Mappings preserving locations of movable poles II: the third and fifth Painlevé equations, Nonlinearity, 14 (2001), 567–582. 2002b:34134

97. Joshi N
N Joshi: Regularizing the KdV equation near a blow-up surface, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 127 (2001), 744–750. 2002h:35267

98. Joshi N, Kitaev AV
N. Joshi and A. V. Kitaev: On Boutroux's tritronquée solutions of the first Painlevé equation, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 107 (2001), 253–291. 2002g:34202

99. Joshi N
N Joshi: Irregular singular behaviour in the first discrete Painlevé equation, SIDE III---Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations (Sabaudia, 1998), CRM Proc. Lecture Notes, 255 American Mathematical Society, Providence RI, (2000), 237–243. MR1771726

100. Joshi N
N Joshi: True solutions asymptotic to formal WKB solutions of the second Painlevé equation with large parameter, Toward the exact WKB analysis of differential equations, linear or non-linear, Kyoto University Press, Kyoto, (2000), 223–229. 2001c:34187

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