


Publication Search Results

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51. Jin R, Robinson J
R. Jin and J. Robinson: Saddlepoint approximation near the endpoints of the support, Statistics and Probability Letters, 45 (1999), 295–303. 2000i:62017

52. Ma C, Robinson J
C. Ma and J. Robinson: Saddlepoint approximations for the difference of order statisics and Studentized sample quantiles, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Methodological, 61 (1999), 563–577. 2000f:62121

53. Feuerverger A, Robinson J, Wong A
A. Feuerverger, J. Robinson and A. Wong: On the relative accuracy of certain bootstrap procedures, Canadian Journal of Statistics, 27 (1999), 225–236. 2000f:62073

54. Henery R, Robinson J, Bennett MR
R.J. Henery, J. Robinson, M.R. Bennett: Methods for grouping shapes of synaptic currents recorded from sets of synapses, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 86 (1998), 79–90.

55. Robinson J, Skovgaard IbM
J Robinson, Ib M Skovgaard: Bounds for probabilities of small relative errors for empirical saddlepoint and bootstrap tail approximations, The Annals of Statistics, 26 (1998), 2369–2394. 2000h:62017

56. Gibson WG, Bennett MR, Robinson J
William G. Gibson, Max R. Bennett and John Robinson: Modelling the evoked release of quanta at active zones: theoretical investigation of the secretosome hypothesis, Computational Neuroscience: Trends in Research, 1998, Sixth Annual Computational Neuroscience Conference, James M. Bower (ed.), Plenum Press, New York, (1998), 173–178. ISBN 0-306-45919-1.

57. Ma C, Robinson J
Chunsheng Ma, John Robinson: Saddlepoint approximations for sample and bootstrap quantiles, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 40 (1998), 479–486. 99m:62068

58. Ma C, Robinson J
Chungsheng Ma, John Robinson: Approximations to distributions of sample quantiles, Order Statistics: Theory and Methods, Handbook of Statistics 16, Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, (1998), 463–484. ISBN 0-444-82091-4. MR1668756

59. Keener RW, Robinson J, Weber NC
R.W. Keener, J. Robinson, N.C. Weber: Tail probability approximations for \(U\)-statistics, Statistics and Probability Letters, 37 (1998), 59–65. 99b:60040

60. Jing BY, Robinson J
Bing-Yi Jing, John Robinson: Two-sample nonparametric tilting method, The Australian Journal of Statistics, 39 (1997), 25–34. 98d:62087

61. Gibson WG, Robinson J, Bennett MR
W.G. Gibson, J. Robinson, M.R. Bennett: Modelling the evoked release of quanta at active zones, Abstracts of the Fourteenth International Australasian Winter Conference on Brain Research, Fourteenth International Australasian Winter Conference on Brain Research, S. Weinstein (ed.), International Journal of Neuroscience, Gordon and Breach, New York, (1997), 94.

62. Bennett MR, Gibson WG, Robinson J
M.R. Bennett, W.G. Gibson, J. Robinson: Probabilistic secretion of quanta and the synaptosecretosome hypothesis: evoked release at active zones of varicosities, boutons and endplates, Biophysical Journal, 73 (1997), 1815–1829.

63. Gibson WG, Bennett MR, Robinson J
W.G. Gibson, M.R. Bennett, J. Robinson: Modelling the evoked release of quanta at active zones: theoretical investigation of the secretosome hypothesis, Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Australian Neuroscience Society. Seventeenth Annual Meeting, P. Pilowsky (ed.), 8 Australian Neuroscience Society, Australia, (1997), 123.

64. Phipps MC, Robinson J
Mary C. Phipps, John Robinson: Non-randomness in time-ordered neurobiological data, Theory of Stochastic Processes, 2 (1996), 234–240.

65. John RD, Robinson J
R D John, J Robinson: Rates of convergence to normality for samples from a finite set of random variables, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. (Series A), 60 (1996), 355–362. 97d:60040

66. Holst L, Quine MP, Robinson J
L. Holst, M.P. Quine and J. Robinson: A general stochastic model for nucleation and linear growth, Annals of Applied Probability, 6 (1996), 903–921. 97i:60093

67. Gibson WG, Bennett MR, Robinson J
Gibson WG, Bennett MR, Robinson J: Modeling the spontaneous release of quanta at active zones of varicosities, boutons and endplates, Computational Neuroscience. Trends in Research 1995, Fourth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting, JM Bower (ed.), Academic Press, (1996), 9–14.

68. Bennett MR, Robinson J, Phipps MC, Karunanithi S, Lin YQ, Cottee L
Bennett MR, Robinson J, Phipps MC, Karunanithi S, Lin YQ, Cottee L: Quantal components of spontaneous potentials at visualised varicosities, Journal of Autonomic Nervous System, 56 (1996), 161–174.

69. Thomas CM, Gibson WG, Robinson J
Thomas CM, Gibson WG, Robinson J: Stability and bifurcations in an associative memory model, Neural Networks, 9 (1996), 53–66.

70. Karunathi S, Phipps MC, Robinson J, Bennett MR
S Karunanithi, MC Phipps, J Robinson and MR Bennett: Statistics of quantal secretion during long trains of sympathetic nerve impulses in mouse vas deferens, Journal of Physiology, 489 (1995), 171–181.

71. Thomson NA, Lavidis NA, Robinson J, Bennett MR
Thomson NA, Lavidis NA, Robinson J, Bennett MR: Probabilistic secretion of quanta at somatic motor-nerve terminals: the fusion pore model, quantal detection and autoinhibition, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, 349 (1995), 197–214.

72. Gibson WG, Bennett MR, Robinson J
Gibson WG, Bennett MR, Robinson J: Modeling the spontaneous release of quanta at active zones of varicosities, boutons and endplates, Fourth Annual Computation Neuroscience Meeting, (1995), 31.

73. Thomas CM, Gibson WG, Robinson J
Thomas CM, Gibson WG, Robinson J: Stability and bifurcations in an associative memory model, Proceedings of the Sixth Australian Conference on Neural Networks, Australian Conference on Neural Networks, M. Charles and C. Latimer (eds.), (1995), 98–101.

74. Bennett MR, Gibson WG, Robinson J
Bennett MR, Gibson WG, Robinson J: Probabilistic secretion of quanta: spontaneous release at active zones of varicosities, boutons and endplates, Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Australian Neuroscience 15th Annual Meeting, 6 (1995), 93.

75. Bennett MR, Gibson WG, Robinson J
Bennett MR, Gibson WG, Robinson J: Probabilistic secretion of quanta: spontaneous release at active zones of varicosities, boutons and endplates, Biophysical Journal, 69 (1995), 42–56.

76. Jing BY, Robinson J
Jing BY, Robinson J: Saddlepoint approximations for marginal and conditional probabilities of transformed variables, The Annals of Statistics, 22 (1994), 1115–1132. 95k:62045

77. Jing BY, Feuerverger A, Robinson J
Jing BY, Feuerverger A, Robinson J: On the bootstrap saddlepoint approximations, Biometrika, 81 (1994), 211–215. 95a:62034

78. Gibson WG, Robinson J, Thomas CM
Gibson WG, Robinson J, Thomas CM: Stability and bifurcations in an autoassociative memory model, European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Verleysen M (ed.), D Facto, Brussels, (1994), 7–12. ISBN 2-9600049-1-4.

79. Bennett MR, Gibson WG, Robinson J
Bennett MR, Gibson WG, Robinson J: Dynamics of the CA3 pyramidal neuron autoassociative memory network in the hippocampus, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Physical Sciences and Engineering, 343 (1994), 167–187.

80. Bennett MR, Robinson J, Phipps MC
Bennett MR, Robinson J, Phipps MC, et al: Spontaneous quantal secretions from single synaptic varicosities, Proceedings Australian Neuroscience Society, Neuroscience (Canberra 1994), 5 (1994),

81. Bennett MR, Gibson WG, Robinson J
Bennett MR, Gibson WG, Robinson J: An associative memory model for the CA3 region of the hippocampus, 11th International Australasian Winter Conference on Brain Function 1993, (1993),

82. Bennett MR, Gibson WG, Robinson J
Bennett MR, Gibson WG, Robinson J: An autoassociative memory model for the CA3 region of the hippocampus, Proceedings of the Fourth Australian Conference on Neural Networks, Australian Conference on Neural Networks, Melbourne, February 1993, (1993), 1–4.

83. Robinson J, Gibson WG
Robinson J, Gibson WG: Statistical analysis of the dynamics of an associative memory, 11th Australian Statistical Conference, (1992),

84. Quine MP, Robinson J
Quine MP, Robinson J: Estimation for a linear growth model, Statistics and Probability Letters, 15 (1992), 293–297.

85. Gibson WG, Robinson J
Gibson WG, Robinson J: Sparse associative memory, Proceedings of the Third Australian Conference on Neural Networks, Australian Conference on Neural Networks, Canberra (February, 1992), (1992), 37–40.

86. Gibson WG, Robinson J, Bennett MR
Gibson WG, Robinson J, Bennett MR: An autoassociative memory model for the CA3 region of the hippocampus, ARC Cognitive Science Forum, Macquarie University, Sydney (January, 1992), (1992),

87. Gibson WG, Robinson J
Gibson WG, Robinson J: Statistical analysis of the dynamics of a sparse associative memory, Neural Networks, 5 (1992), 645–661.

88. Robinson J
Robinson J: A survey of tail area approximations, Workshop on Saddlepoint Methods in Statistics, Canberra, 17--19 July 1991, (1991),

89. Robinson J
Robinson J: A survey of saddlepoint approximations in resampling, Workshop on Saddlepoint Methods in Statistics, Canberra, 17--19 July 1991, (1991),

90. Gibson WG, Robinson J, Bennett MR
Gibson WG, Robinson J, Bennett MR: Probabilistic secretion of quanta in the central nervous system: granule cell synaptic control of pattern separation and activity regulation, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, 332 (1991), 199–220.

91. Gibson WG, Robinson J, Bennett MR
Gibson WG, Robinson J, Bennett MR: Probabilistic Secretion of Transmitter at Granule Cell Synapses: A Role in Pattern Separation and Activity Regulation, Proceedings of the First Australian Conference on Neural Networks, Australian Conference on Neural Networks, Sydney (January, 1990), (1990), 132–133.

92. Robinson J, Hoglund T, Holst L, Quine MP
Robinson J, Hoglund T, Holst L, Quine MP: On approximating probabilities for small and large deviations on \(\mathbb{R}^d\), The Annals of Probability, 18 (1990), 727–753. 91i:60069

93. Quine MP, Robinson J
Quine MP, Robinson J: A linear random growth model, Journal of Applied Probability, 27 (1990), 499–509. 91i:60068

94. Bennett MR, Robinson J
Bennett MR, Robinson J: Probabilistic secretion of quanta from nerve terminals of synaptic sites on muscle cells: non-uniformity, autoinhibition and the binomial hypothesis, Royal Society of London. Proceedings. Series B, 239 (1990), 329–358.

95. Robinson J
Robinson J: Approximating probabilities for small and large deviations, 47th Session of the International Statistical Institute Paris, France, September 1989, (1989),

96. Quine MP, Robinson J
Quine MP, Robinson J: A Poisson process with inhibition, International Conference on Recent Developments in Statistical Data Analysis and Inference, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, August 1989, (1989),

97. Robinson J
Robinson J: Limit theorems for standardized partial sums of weakly exchangeable arrays, The Australian Journal of Statistics, 31 (1989), 200–214. 91e:60081

98. Chen KH, Robinson J
Chen KH, Robinson J: Comparison of factor spaces of two related populations, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 28 (1989), 190–203. 90g:62128

99. Robinson J
Robinson J: Discussion of P. Hall's ``Theoretical comparison of bootstrap confidence intervals'', The Annals of Statistics, 16 (1988), 976–977.

100. Bennett MR, Robinson J
Bennett MR, Robinson J: Growth and elimination of nerve terminals at synaptic sites during polyneuronal innervation of muscle cells: a tropic hypothesis, Royal Society of London. Proceedings. Series B, 235 (1988), 299–320.

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