


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Bartsch T, Dancer EN, Wang Z-Q
Thomas Bartsch, Norman Dancer and Zhi-Qiang Wang: A Liouville theorem, a-priori bounds, and bifurcating branches of positive solutions for a nonlinear elliptic system, Calculus of Variations, 37 (2010), 345–361. MR2592975

2. Bartsch T, Dancer EN
Thomas Bartsch and Norman Dancer: Poincaré-Hopf type formulas on convex sets of Banach spaces, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 34 (2009), no. 2, 213–212.

3. Bartsch T, Dancer EN, Peng S
Thomas Bartsch, E Norman Dancer and Shuangjie Peng: On multi-bump semi-classical bound states of nonlinear Schrodinger equations with electromagnetic fields, Advances in Differential Equations, 11 (2006), no. 7, 781–812. 2236582

Number of matches: 3