


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Vidunas R, Kitaev AV
Raimundas Vidunas and Alexander V Kitaev: Computation of highly ramified coverings, Mathematics of Computation, 78 (2009), no. 268, 2371–2395. MR2521293

2. Joshi N, Kitaev AV, Treharne PA
N Joshi, A V Kitaev and P A Treharne: On the linearization of the first and second Painlev´e equations, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 42 (2009), 055208. MR2525382

3. Vidunas R, Kitaev AV
Raimundas Vidunas and Alexander V Kitaev: Quadratic transformations of the sixth Painlevé equation with application to algebraic solutions, Mathematische Nachrichten, 280 (2007), no. 16, 1834–1855. MR2365021

4. Joshi N, Kitaev AV, Treharne PA
N. Joshi, A. V. Kitaev and P. A. Treharne: On the linearization of the Painlevé III--VI equations and reductions of the three-wave resonant system, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 48 (2007), no. 10, 103512 (42pp).

5. Kitaev AV
Alexander V Kitaev: Remarks towards a classification of \(RS_4^2(3)\)-Transformations and algebraic solutions of the sixth Painlevé equation, Théories asymptotics et equations de Painlevé, Seminaires et Congres, Societe Mathematique de France, France, (2007), 199–227. ISBN 978-2-85629-229-7.

6. Joshi N, Kitaev AV
N. Joshi and A. V. Kitaev: The Dirichlet boundary value problem for real solutions of the first Painlevé equation on segments in non-positive semi-axis, Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 583 (2005), 29–86. MR2146852

7. Kitaev AV
A V Kitaev: Quadratic transformations for the third and fifth Painlevé equations, Zapiski Nauchnyh Seminarov POMI, 317 (2004), 105–121. MR2120830

8. Kitaev AV, Vartanian AH
A V Kitaev, A H Vartanian: Connection formulae for asymptotics of solutions of the degenerate third Painlevé equation: I, Inverse Problems, 39 (2004), 1165–1206. MR2087985

9. Hone ANW, Joshi N, Kitaev AV
A.N.W. Hone, N. Joshi and A. V. Kitaev: An entire function defined by a nonlinear recurrence relation, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 66 (2002), 377–387. 2003g:30045

10. Joshi N, Kitaev AV
N. Joshi and A. V. Kitaev: On Boutroux's tritronquée solutions of the first Painlevé equation, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 107 (2001), 253–291. 2002g:34202

Number of matches: 10