


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Noussair ES

1. Cao D, Noussair ES, Yan S
Daomin Cao, Ezzat S Noussair and Shusen Yan: On the profile of solutions for an elliptic problem arising in nonlinear optics, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 11 (2004), 649–666. MR2083437

2. Cao D, Noussair ES, Yan S
Cao Daomin, Noussair Ezzat S, Yan Shusen: On the scalar curvature equation \(-\Delta u=(1+\epsilon K)u^{(N+2)/(N-2)}\) in \(\mathbb{R}^ N\), Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 15 (2002), no. 3, 403–419. 2003i:35079

3. Cao D, Noussair ES, Yan S
Cao Daomin, Noussair E S, Yan Shusen: Existence and nonexistence of interior-peaked solution for a nonlinear Neumann problem, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 200 (2001), 19–41. 2002i:35065

4. Noussair ES, Yan S
Noussair E S, Yan Shusen: The scalar curvature equation on \(\mathbb{R}^N\), Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods and Applications, 45 (2001), 483–514. 2002e:35083

5. Cao D, Noussair ES, Yan S
Cao Daomin, Noussair Ezzat S, Yan Shusen: On a semilinear Robin problem involving critical Sobolev exponent, Advanced Nonlinear Studies, 2 (2001), 43–77. 2002k:35110

6. Cao D, Noussair ES, Yan S
Cao Daomin, Noussair E S, Yan Shusen: Symmetric solutions for a Neumann problem involving critical exponent, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics, 131 (2001), 1039–1064. 2002i:35066

7. Noussair ES, Yan S
Ezzat S Noussair and Shusen Yan: On positive multipeak solutions, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 62 (2000), no. 1, 213–2277. 2001k:35098

8. Cao D, Dancer EN, Noussair ES, Yan S
Daomin Cao, Norman E. Dancer, Ezzat S. Noussair and Shunsen Yan: On the existence and profile of multi-peaked solutions to singularly perturbed semilinear Dirichlet problems, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2 (1996), 221–236. 96m:35095

Number of matches: 8