


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Aldis GK

1. Thompson RS, Aldis GK
R S Thompson and G K Aldis: Flow spectra from spectral power density calculations for pulsed Doppler, Ultrasonics, 40 (2002), 835–841.

2. Thompson RS, Aldis GK
R S Thompson and G K Aldis: Spectral power density calculations for pulsed Doppler, Ultrasonics, 39 (2002), 703–714.

3. Thompson RS, Tortoli P, Aldis GK
R S Thompson, P Tortoli, G K Aldis: Selective transmission of a focused Doppler ultrasound beam through a plastic layer, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 26 (2000), 1333–1346.

4. Tortoli P, Berti P, Guidi F, Thompson RS, Aldis GK
P Tortoli, P Berti, F Guidi, R S Thompson and G K Aldis: Flow imaging with pulsed Doppler ultrasound: refraction artefacts and dual mode propagation, Proceedings of 1997 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, International ultrasonics symposium, S C Schneider, M Levy, B R McAvay (eds.), IEEE, IEEE, Toronto, (1997), 1269–1272.

5. Thompson RS, Aldis GK, Wilson LS
R S Thompson, G K Aldis, L S Wilson: The effect on ultrasound intensity of refraction at a curved surface, Acoustical Imaging, 22nd International Symposium on Acoustical Imaging, P Tortoli, L Masotti (eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Symposium, Plenum Press, New York, (1996), 371–376. ISBN 0-306-45364-9.

6. Thompson RS, Aldis GK
R S Thompson, G K Aldis: Effect of a cylindrical refracting interface on ultrasound intensity and the CW Doppler spectrum, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 43 (1996), 451–459.

7. Aldis GK, Thompson RS
Geoffrey K Aldis and Rosemary S Thompson: Doppler spectra of flows with a refracting interface, ANZIAM 95, 31st Australian Applied Conference, Not known (ed.), Not known, (1995), xx.

8. Thompson RS, Aldis GK, Wilson LS
R S Thompson, G K Aldis and L S Wilson: The effect on ultrasound intensity on refraction at a curved surface, Abstract of 22nd International Symposium on Acoustical imaging, 22nd International Symposium on Acoustical imaging, Florence, Italy, (1995), 73.

9. Thompson RS, Aldis GK, Linnett IW
R S Thompson, G K Aldis and I W Linnett: Doppler ultrasound spectral power density distribution: measurement artefacts in steady flow, Med. & Biol. Eng. & Comput., 28 (1990), 60–66.

Number of matches: 9