


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Bentley P

1. Large MCJ, Manos S, Bentley P, Poladian L
M. C. J Large, S. Manos, P. Bentley and L. Poladian: Evolving Microstructured Fibres, International Quantum Electronics Conference 2005 and the Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2005, International Quantum Electronics Conference 2005 and the Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2005, Duncan Steel and Alain Aspect (eds.), OSA and IEEE, Tokyo, Japan, (2005), 585–587.

2. Manos S, Poladian L, Bentley P, Large M
S Manos, L Poladian, P Bentley and M Large: Photonic device design using multiobjective evolutionary algorithms, Third International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-criterion Optimization, Third International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-criterion Optimization, Carlos A Coello Coello, Arturo Hernández Aguirre and Eckart Zitzler (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3410 Springer Verlag, Germany, (2005), 636–650. ISBN 3-540-24983-4.

Number of matches: 2