


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Bosma W
Wieb Bosma: Some computational experiments in number theory, Discovering Mathematics with Magma. Reducing the Abstract to the Concrete, Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics, Springer, Berlin, (2006), 1–30. ISBN 3-540-37632-1. MR2278921

2. Bosma W, de Smit B
Wieb Bosma, Bart de Smit: On arithmetically equivalent number fields of small degree, ANTS-V Proceedings, 5th International Symposium, ANTS-V, Claus Fieker, David R Kohel (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, (2002), 67–79. ISBN 3-540-43863-7. MR2041074

3. Bosma W, Cannon JJ, Playoust CE
W. Bosma, J. Cannon, C. Playoust: The magma algebra system I: the user language, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 24 (1997), no. 3/4, 235–265. MR1484478

4. Bosma W, Cannon JJ, Steel A
W. Bosma, J. Cannon, A. Steel: Lattices of compatibility embedded finite fields, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 24 (1997), no. 3/4, 351–369. 99a:11143

5. Bosma W, Stevenhagen P
Wieb Bosma, P.Stevenhagen: Density computations for real quadratic units, Mathematics of Computation, 65 (1996), 1327–1337. 96j:11171

6. Bosma W, Stevenhagen P
Wieb Bosma, Peter Stevenhagen: On the computation of quadratic 2-class groups, Journal de Théorie des Nombres, 8 (1996), 283–313. 98e:11129a

7. Bosma W
Wieb Bosma: Review of: A.A. Karatsuba, Basic Analytic Number Theory, 38 (1995), 255–256.

8. Bosma W, Stevenhagen P
Bosma W, Stevenhagen P: On the computation of quadratic 2-class groups, Full Papers and Extended Abstracts of CANT'95, CANT'95, Macquarie University, April 1995, (1995), 36–55.

9. Bosma W
Wieb Bosma: Computation of cyclotomic polynomials with Magma, Computational Algebra and Number Theory, Bosma W, van der Poorten A (eds.), Mathematics and its Applications, 325 Kluwer, Dordrecht, (1995), 213–226. ISBN 07923 3501 5. 96j:11142

10. Bosma W, Lenstra AK
Wieb Bosma and Arjen K. Lenstra: An implementation of the elliptic curve integer factorization method, Computational Algebra and Number Theory, Bosma W, van der Poorten A (eds.), Mathematics and its Applications, 325 Kluwer, Dordrecht, (1995), 119–136. ISBN 07923 3501 5. 96d:11134

11. Bosma W, Lenstra HW Jr
Wieb Bosma and H W Lenstra Jr: Complete systems of two addition laws for elliptic curves, Journal of Number Theory, 53 (1995), 229–240. 96f:11079

12. Bleichenbacher D, Bosma W, Lenstra AK
Bleichenbacher D, Bosma W, Lenstra AK: Some remarks on Lucas-based cryptosystems, Advances in Cryptology --- Proceedings of Crypto'95 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Don Coppersmith (ed.), 963 Springer Verlag, Berlin, (1995), 386–396. MR1445576

13. Bosma W, van der Poorten A
Wieb Bosma and Alf van der Poorten A: Computational Algebra and Number Theory, Mathematics and its Applications, Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 325 (1995), 321pp. ISBN 07923 3501 5. MR1344917

14. Bosma W, Pohst ME
Bosma W, Pohst M: Computations with finitely generated modules over Dedekind domains, Proceedings of the 1991 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Watt SM (ed.), Association for Computing Machinery, New York, (1991), 151–156.

15. Bosma W, Kraaikamp C
Bosma W, Kraaikamp C: Optimal approximation by continued fractions, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. (Series A), 50 (1991), 481–504. 92f:11093

16. Bosma W, Cannon JJ
Bosma W, Cannon JJ: A Handbook of Cayley Functions, 1st edn (1991), 1–243.

17. Bosma W, van der Hulst MPM
Bosma W, van der Hulst MPM: Faster primality proving, Advances in Cryptology --- EUROCRYPT '89, Goos G, Hartmanis J eds (eds.), Springer, Berlin, (1990), 652–656.

18. Bosma W, Kraaikamp C
Bosma W, Kraaikamp C: Metrical theory for optimal continued fractions, Journal of Number Theory, 34 (1990), 251–270. 91d:11095

19. Bosma W
Bosma W: Canonical bases for cyclotomic fields, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, (1990), 125–134. 95k:11135

20. Bosma W
Bosma W: Approximation by mediants, Mathematics of Computation, 54 (1990), 421–434. 90m:11119

21. Bosma W, van der Hulst MPM
Bosma W, van der Hulst MPM: Primality proving with cyclotomy, Universiteit van Amsterdam, (1990),

22. Bosma W
Bosma W: Notes on primality testing and factoring, 89 (1989),

23. Bosma W, Jager H, Wiedijk F
Bosma W, Jager H, Wiedijk F: Some metrical observations on the approximation by continued fractions, Indagationes Mathematicae, 45 (1983), 281–299. 85f:11059

Number of matches: 23