


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Creutz B
Brendan Creutz: Second \(p\)-descents on elliptic curves, Mathematics of Computation, 83 (2014), no. 285, 365–409.

2. Creutz B, Viray B
Brendan Creutz, Bianca Viray: On Brauer groups of double covers of ruled surfaces, (2013), preprint.

3. Creutz B
Brendan Creutz: On the local-global principle for divisibility in the cohomology of elliptic curves, (2013), preprint.

4. Creutz B
Brendan Creutz: Locally trivial torsors that are not Weil--Châtelet divisible, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 45 (2013), no. 5, 935–942.

5. Creutz B
Brendan Creutz: Explicit descent in the Picard group of a cyclic cover of the projective line, (2012), preprint.

6. Creutz B
Brendan Creutz: Locally trivial torsors that are not Weil-Châtelet divisible, (2012), preprint.

7. Creutz B
Brendan Creutz: Second \(p\)-descents on elliptic curves, (2012), preprint.

8. Creutz B, Miller RL
Brendan Creutz and Robert L. Miller: Second isogeny descents and the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjectural formula, Journal of Algebra, 372 (2012), 673–701. MR2990032

9. Creutz B
Brendan Creutz: A Grunwald-Wang type theorem for abelian varieties, Acta Arithmetica, 154 (2012), no. 4, 353–370. MR2949874

10. Creutz B
Brendan Creutz: Potential Sha for abelian varieties, Journal of Number Theory, 131 (2011), 2162–2174.

Number of matches: 10