


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Ewart TE

1. Macaskill C, Ewart TE
C. Macaskill and T.E. Ewart: Numerical solution of the fourth moment equation and comparison with the MATE data, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 99 (1996), 1419–1429.

2. Henyey FS, Ewart TE, Reynolds S, Macaskill C
Henyey F, Ewart TE, Reynolds S, Macaskill C: The effect of internal waves on rays that turn sharply in deep and shallow water, Acoustical Society of America meeting, (1995), 2868.

3. Macaskill C, Ewart TE, Ballard JW
Macaskill C, Ewart TE, Ballard JW: Invited paper, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Seattle, Washington, June 19-24, 1994, (1994),

4. Ewart TE, Macaskill C, Uscinski BJ
Ewart TE, Macaskill C, Uscinski BJ: The MATE acoustic frequency cross-correlations of intensity, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 77 (1985), 1732–1741.

5. Macaskill C, Ewart TE
Macaskill C, Ewart TE: Numerical simulation of wave propagation in a randomly varying medium, Proceedings of the International Conference on Developments in Marine Acoustics, (1984), 50–54.

6. Macaskill C, Ewart TE
Macaskill C, Ewart TE: The probability distribution of intensity for acoustic propagation in a randomly varying ocean, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 76 (1984), 1466–1473.

7. Macaskill C, Ewart TE
Macaskill C, Ewart TE: Computer simulation of two-dimensional random wave propagation, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 33 (1984), 1–15.

8. Ewart TE, Macaskill C, Uscinski BJ
Ewart TE, Macaskill C, Uscinski BJ: Intensity fluctuations, part 2: Comparison with the Cobb-seamount acoustics experiment, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 74 (1983), 1484–1499.

9. Uscinski BJ, Macaskill C, Ewart TE
Uscinski BJ, Macaskill C, Ewart TE: Intensity fluctuations, part 1: theory, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 74 (1983), 1474–1483.

Number of matches: 9