


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Fahmy MA

1. Abdel-Salam ASG, Sohail A, Sherin L, Azim QUA, Faisal A, Fahmy MA, Li Z
Abdel-Salam G Abdel-Salam, Ayesha Sohail, Lubna Sherin, Qurat Ul Ain Azim, Ayesha Faisal, Mohamed Abdelsabour Fahmy, Zhiwu Li: Optimization of tank engine crank shaft material properties, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 51 (2023), no. 6, 3066–3082.

2. Sohail A, Fahmy MA, Khan UA
Ayesha Sohail, Mohamed Abdelsabour Fahmy, Usama Ahmad Khan: XAI hybrid multi-staged algorithm for routine & quantum boosted oncological medical imaging, Computational Particle Mechanics, 10 (2022), 209–219.

3. Jiang Y, Fahmy MA, Amin N, Sohail A, Alam F, Nofal TA
Yingzi Jiang, Mohamed Abdelsabour Fahmy, Naima Amin, Ayesha Sohail, Fatima Alam, Taher A Nofal: Artificial Intelligence to Deal with the Post COVID-19 Fractal Dynamics Linked with Economy, Fractals, 1 (2022), 2230.

4. Arif R, Fahmy MA, Amin N, Farwa S, Sohail A, Gepreel KA
Robia Arif, Mohamed Abdelsabour Fahmy, Naima Amin, Shabieh Farwa, Ayesha Sohail, Khaled A Gepreel: Crossover behavior of the Zika virus infection and the delayed immune response, Results in Physics, 41 (2022), 105892.

Number of matches: 4