


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Fieker C, Sutherland N
Claus Fieker, Nicole Sutherland: Computing splitting fields using Galois theory and other Galois constructions, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 116 (2023), no. May-June 2023, 243–262.

2. Fieker C, Zhang Y
Claus Fieker and Yinan Zhang: An application of the \(p\)-adic analytic class number formula, LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics, 19 (2016), no. 01, 217–228.

3. Gehringer MM, Adler L, Roberts AA, Moffitt MC, Mihali TK, Mills TJT, Fieker C, Neilan BA
Michelle M Gehringer, Lewis Adler, Alexandra A Roberts, Michelle C Moffitt, Troco K Mihali, Toby J T Mills, Claus Fieker, Brett A Neilan: Nodularin, a cyanobacterial toxin, is synthesized in planta by symbiotic Nostoc sp., The ISME Journal, 6 (2012), no. 10, 1834–1847.

4. Fieker C, Stehlé D
Claus Fieker and Damien Stehlé: Short bases of Lattices over number fields, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6197 (2010), 157–173.

5. Cannon JJ, Donnelly S, Fieker C, Watkins M
John Cannon, Steve Donnelly, Claus Fieker and Mark Watkins: Magma - A tool for number theory, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6327 (2010), 253–255.

6. Gehringer MM, Pengelly JL, Cuddy WS, Fieker C, Forster PI, Neilan BA
Michelle M Gehringer, Jasper L Pengelly, William S Cuddy, Claus Fieker, Paul I Forster, and Brett A Neilan: Host Selection of Symbiotic Cyanobacteria in 31 Species of the Australian Cycad Genus: Macrozamia (Zamiaceae), Molecular Plant - Microbe Interactions, 23 (2010), no. 6, 811–822.

7. Fieker C
Claus Fieker: Minimizing representations over number fields II: Computations in the Brauer group, Journal of Algebra, 322 (2009), 752–763.

8. Fieker C, Klüners J
Claus Fieker and Jürgen Klüners: Galoisgruppen in Magma, Computeralgebra Rundbrief, 43 (2008), 11–12.

9. Fieker C, Pohst ME
Claus Fieker, Michael E Pohst: A lower regulator bound for number fields, Journal of Number Theory, 128 (2008), 2767–2775. MR2441075

10. Fieker C
Claus Fieker: Sparse representation for cyclotomic fields, Experimental Mathematics, 16 (2008), no. 4, 493–500.

11. Fieker C, de Graaf W
Claus Fieker and Willem de Graaf: Finding integral linear dependencies of algebraic numbers and algebraic Lie algebras, London Mathematical Society Journal of Computational Mathematics, 10 (2007), 271–287.

12. Fieker C
Claus Fieker: Applications of the class field theory of global fields, Discovering Mathematics with Magma. Reducing the Abstract to the Concrete, Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics, Springer, Berlin, (2006), 31–62. ISBN 3-540-37632-1. MR2278922

13. Fieker C, Pohst ME
Claus Fieker, Michael E Pohst: Dependency of units in number fields, Mathematics of Computation, 75 (2006), no. 255, 1507–1518. MR2219041

14. Fieker C
Claus Fieker: Minimizing representations over number fields, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 38 (2004), 833–842. MR2094558

15. Fieker C
Claus Fieker: Ueber Magma, Computeralgebra Rundbrief, 32 (2003), 12–13.

16. Fieker C, Klüners J
Claus Fieker, Jürgen Klüners: Minimal discriminants for fields with small Frobenius groups as Galois groups, Journal of Number Theory, 99 (2003), 318–337. 2004f:11147

17. Fieker C, Kohel DR
Claus Fieker, David R Kohel: ANTS-V Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, (2002), 515.

18. Fieker C
Claus Fieker: Computing class fields via the Artin map, Mathematics of Computation, 70 (2001), 1293–1303. MR1826583

19. Fieker C, Friedrichs C
Claus Fieker, Carsten Friedrichs: On reconstruction of algebraic numbers, Algorithmic Number Theory, 4th International Symposium, ANTS-IV, Wieb Bosma (ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, (2000), 285 – 296. ISBN 3 540 67695 3. 2002g:11181

Number of matches: 19