


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Engel M, Gottwald GA
Maximilian Engel and Georg A. Gottwald: Canards in modified equations for Euler discretizations, Contemporary Mathematics, 806 (2024), 15–28.

2. Yue W, Gottwald GA
Wenqi Yue and Georg A. Gottwald: A stochastic approximation for the finite-size Kuramoto–Sakaguchi model, Physica D, 468 (2024), 134292.

3. Gottwald GA, Melbourne I
Georg A. Gottwald and Ian Melbourne: Time-reversibility and nonvanishing Lévy area, Nonlinearity, 37 (2024), no. 7, 075018.

4. Riechers K, Gottwald GA, Boers N
Keno Riechers, Georg A. Gottwald and Niklas Boers: Glacial Abrupt Climate Change as a Multiscale Phenomenon Resulting from Monostable Excitable Dynamics, Journal of Climate, 37 (2024), no. 8, 2741–2763,.

5. Jiao C, Gottwald GA
Chunxi Jiao and Georg A. Gottwald: Levy flights as an emergent phenomenon in a spatially extended system, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 479 (2023), 20230349.

6. Fialkowski J, Yanchuk S, Sokolov IM, Schöll E, Gottwald GA, Berner R
Jan Fialkowski, Serhiy Yanchuk, Igor M. Sokolov, Eckehard Schöll, Georg A. Gottwald, and Rico Berner: Heterogeneous Nucleation in Finite-Size Adaptive Dynamical Networks, Physical Review Letters, 130 (2023), 067402.

7. Sandoz A, Ducret V, Gottwald GA, Vilmart G, Perron K
Antoine Sandoz , Verena Ducret , Georg A. Gottwald , Gilles Vilmart and Karl Perron: SINDy for delay-differential equations: application to model bacterial zinc response, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 479 Open Access (2023), no. 2269, 20220556 (18 pages).

8. James N, Menzies M, Gottwald GA
Nick James, Max Menzies, Georg A Gottwald: On financial market correlation structures and diversification benefits across and within equity sectors, Physica A, 604 (2022), Article 127682 (18 pages).

9. Gottwald GA, Reich S
Georg A. Gottwald and Sebastian Reich: Combining machine learning and data assimilation to forecast dynamical systems from noisy partial observations, Chaos, 31 (2021), 101103.

10. Cartwright M, Gottwald GA
Madeleine Cartwright and Georg Gottwald: Collective coordinate framework to study solitary waves in stochastically perturbed Korteweg–de Vries equations, Physical Review E, 104 Open Access (2021), no. 2, 024201 (12 pages).

11. Smith LD, Gottwald GA
Lauren D. Smith and Georg A. Gottwald: Mesoscopic model reduction for the collective dynamics of sparse coupled oscillator networks, Chaos, 31 (2021), 073116.

12. Gottwald GA, Reich S
Georg A. Gottwald and Sebastian Reich: Supervised learning from noisy observations: Combining machine-learning techniques with data assimilation, Physica D, 423 (2021), 132911.

13. Gottwald GA, Melbourne I
Georg A. Gottwald and Ian Melbourne: Simulation of non-Lipschitz stochastic differential equations driven by \(\alpha\)-stable noise: a method based on deterministic homogenisation, SIAM Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 19 (2021), no. 2, 665–687.

14. Gottwald GA
Georg A. Gottwald: A model for Dansgaard-Oeschger events and millennial-scale abrupt climate change without external forcing, Climate Dynamics, 56 (2021), no. 1-2, 227–243.

15. Giggins B, Gottwald GA
Brent Giggins and Georg A. Gottwald: Stochastically perturbed bred vectors in single-scale systems, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 146 (2020), 4038–4054.

16. Smith LD, Gottwald GA
Lachlan Smith and Georg A. Gottwald: Model reduction for the collective dynamics of globally coupled oscillators: From finite networks to the thermodynamic limit, Chaos, 30 (2020), 093107.

17. Gottwald GA, Gugole F
Georg A. Gottwald and Federica Gugole: Detecting regime transitions using dynamic mode decomposition, Journal of Statistical Physics, 179 (2020), 1028–1045.

18. Yue W, Smith LD, Gottwald GA
Wenqi Yue, Lachlan Smith and G.A. Gottwald: Model reduction for the Kuramoto-Sakaguchi model: The importance of nonentrained rogue oscillators, Physical Review E, 101 (2020), 062213.

19. Gottwald GA
Georg A. Gottwald: Introduction to Focus Issue: Linear response theory: Potentials and limits, Chaos, 30 (2020), 020401.

20. Wormell CL, Gottwald GA
C.L. Wormell and G.A. Gottwald: Linear response for macroscopic observables in high-dimensional systems, Chaos, 29 (2019), no. 113127, 113127. MR4034566

21. Wouters J, Gottwald GA
Jeroen Wouters and Georg A. Gottwald: Stochastic model reduction for slow-fast systems with moderate time-scale separation, SIAM MMS, 17 (2019), no. 4, 1172–1188. MR4027831

22. Wohltmann I, Lehmann R, Gottwald GA, Peters K, Protat A, Louf V, Williams C, Feng W, Rex M
Ingo Wohltmann, Ralph Lehmann, Georg A Gottwald, Karsten Peters, Alain Protat, Valentin Louf, Christopher Williams, Wuhu Feng and Markus Rex: A Lagrangian convective transport scheme including a simulation of the time air parcels spend in updrafts (LaConTra v1.0), Geoscientific Model Development, 12 (2019), no. 10, 4387–4407.

23. Smith LD, Gottwald GA
Lachlan D. Smith and Georg A. Gottwald: Chaos in networks of coupled oscillators with multimodal natural frequency distributions, Chaos, 29 (2019), 093127. MR4013104

24. Cartwright M, Gottwald GA
Madeleine Cartwright and Georg A. Gottwald: A collective coordinate framework to study the dynamics of travelling waves in stochastic partial differential equations, Physica D, 397 (2019), 54–64. MR3987335

25. Giggins B, Gottwald GA
Brent Giggins and Georg A. Gottwald: Stochastically perturbed bred vectors in multi-scale systems, Q J R Meteorol Soc., 145 (2019), no. 719, 642–658.

26. Wouters J, Gottwald GA
J. Wouters and G.A. Gottwald: Edgeworth expansions for slow–fast systems with finite time-scale separation, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 475 (2019), 20180358.

27. Gottwald GA, Pelinovsky DE
Georg A. Gottwald and Dmitry E. Pelinovsky: On the impossibility of solitary Rossby waves in meridionally unbounded domains, Physics of Fluids, 30 (2018), no. 11, 116601.

28. Wormell CL, Gottwald GA
Caroline Wormell and Georg A. Gottwald: On the Validity of Linear Response Theory in High-Dimensional Deterministic Dynamical Systems, Journal of Statistical Physics, 172 (2018), no. 6, 1479–1498.

29. Balasuriya S, Gottwald GA
Sanjeeva Balasuriya and Georg A. Gottwald: Estimating stable and unstable sets and their role as transport barriers in stochastic flows, Physical Review E, 98 (2018), 013106.

30. Hancock EJ, Gottwald GA
Edward Hancock and Georg A. Gottwald: Model reduction for Kuramoto models with complex topologies, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 98 (2018), 012307.

31. Frank J, Gottwald GA
Jason Frank and Georg A. Gottwald: A note on statistical consistency of numerical integrators for multi-scale dynamics, SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul., 16 (2018), no. 2, 1017–1033.

32. Gottwald GA
Georg A. Gottwald: Finite-size effects in a stochastic Kuramoto model, Chaos, 27 (2017), no. 10, 101103.

33. Gottwald GA, Mohamad H, Oliver M
Georg A. Gottwald, Haidar Mohamad and Marcel Oliver: Optimal Balance via Adiabatic Invariance of Approximate Slow Manifolds, Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 15 (2017), no. 4, 1404–1422.

34. Cotter CJ, Gottwald GA, Holm DD
C.J. Cotter, G.A. Gottwald, D.D. Holm: Stochastic partial differential fluid equations as a diffusive limit of deterministic Lagrangian multi-time dynamics, Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 473 (2017), 20170388.

35. Dritschel DG, Gottwald GA, Oliver M
David G. Dritschel, Georg A. Gottwald and Marcel Oliver: Comparison of variational balance models for the rotating shallow water equations, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 822 (2017), 689–716.

36. Gottwald GA, Crommelin DT, Franzke CLE
Georg A Gottwald, Daan T Crommelin and Christian L E Franzke: Stochastic Climate Theory, Nonlinear and Stochastic Climate Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, USA, (2017), 209–240. ISBN 978-1-107-11814-0.

37. Gottwald GA, Melbourne I
Georg A Gottwald and Ian Melbourne: On the detection of superdiffusive behaviour in time series, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, 2016 (2016), no. 12, 123205+17.

38. Gottwald GA, Melbourne I
GA Gottwald and I. Melbourne: Central limit theorems and suppression of anomalous diffusion for systems with symmetry, Nonlinearity, 29 (2016), 2941–2960. MR3551049

39. Gottwald GA, Wormell CL, Wouters J
Georg A. Gottwald, John P. Wormell and Jeroen Wouters: On spurious detection of linear response and misuse of the fluctuation–dissipation theorem in finite time series, Physica D, 331 (2016), 89–101.

40. Froyland G, Gottwald GA, Hammerlindl A
G. Froyland, G.A. Gottwald and A. Hammerlindl: A trajectory-free framework for analysing multiscale systems, Physica D, 328-329 (2016), 34–43. MR3506527

41. Gottwald GA, Melbourne I
G.A. Gottwald and I. Melbourne: Broadband nature of power spectra for intermittent maps with summable and nonsummable decay of correlations, Journal of Physics A, 49 (2016), no. 17, 174003. MR3480189

42. Gottwald GA, Peters K, Davies L
G.A. Gottwald, K. Peters and L. Davies: A data-driven method for the stochastic parametrisation of subgrid-scale tropical convective area fraction, Q.J.R. Meteorolog. Soc., 142 (2016), 349–359.

43. Gottwald GA, Melbourne I
Georg A. Gottwald and I. Melbourne: The 0-1 test for chaos: A review, Chaos Detection and Predictability, Lecture Notes in Physics 915, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, (2016), 26. ISBN 978-3-662-48408-1.

44. Skokos C, Gottwald GA, Laskar J
Charlampos Skokos, Georg A. Gottwald and Jacques Laskar: Chaos Detection and Predictability, Lecture Notes in Physics, Charlampos Skokos, Georg A. Gottwald and Jacques Laskar (eds.), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, (2016), 250. ISBN 978-3-662-48408-1.

45. Gottwald GA
G.A. Gottwald: Model reduction for networks of coupled oscillators, Chaos, 25 (2015), 053111.

46. Maclean J, Gottwald GA
J. Maclean and G.A. Gottwald: On convergence of higher order schemes for the projective integration method for stiff ordinary differential equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 288 (2015), 44–69.

47. Froyland G, Gottwald GA, Hammerlindl A
G. Froyland, G.A. Gottwald and A. Hammerlindl: A computational method to extract macroscopic variables and their dynamics in multi-scale systems, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 13 (2014), no. 4, 1816–1846.

48. Gottwald GA, Oliver M
Georg A. Gottwald and Marcel Oliver: Slow dynamics via degenerate variational asymptotics, Proceedings of the Royal Society: Series A, 470 (2014), 20140460.

49. Gottwald GA, Skokos C
G.A. Gottwald and Ch. Skokos: Preface to the Focus Issue: Chaos Detection Methods and Predictability, Chaos, 24 (2014), 024201.

50. Gottwald GA, Melbourne I
G.A. Gottwald and I. Melbourne: A test for a conjecture on the nature of attractors for smooth dynamical system, Chaos, 24 (2014), 024403.

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