


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Gulati CM

1. Wang Q, Qiying Q, Lin YX, Gulati CM
Wang, Qiying and Lin, Yan-Xia and Gulati, Chandra M.: Strong approximation for long memory processes with applications, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 16 (2003), 377–389. 2004e:60054

2. Wang Q, Lin YX, Gulati CM
Qiying Wang, Lin Y-X and Chandra M. Gulati.: Asymptotics for general fractionally integrated processes with applications to unit root tests, Econometric Theory, 19 (2003), 143–164. 2004a:62168

3. Wang Q, Lin YX, Gulati CM
Qiying, Wang; Lin, Yan-Xia; Gulati, Chandra M.: The invariance principle for linear processes with applications, Econometric Theory, 18 (2002), 119–139. 2002k:60089

Number of matches: 3