


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Achar PN, Hardesty W
Pramod N Achar, William Hardesty: Silting complexes of coherent sheaves and the Humphreys conjecture, Duke Mathematical Journal, Open Access 173 (2024), no. 12, 2397–2445.

2. Achar PN, Hardesty W
Pramod N Achar, William Hardesty: Co-t-structures on derived categories of coherent sheaves and the cohomology of tilting modules, Representation Theory, 28 (2024), 49–89.

3. Achar PN, Hardesty W, Riche S
Pramod N Achar, William Hardesty, Simon Riche: Integral exotic sheaves and the modular Lusztig-Vogan bijection, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 2 (2022), no. 106 number 3, 2403–2458.

4. Hardesty W
William Hardesty: Explicit calculations in an infinitesimal singular block of \(\mathrm{SL}_n\), Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, Published Online 10 February 2022 (Open Access) (2022), 34 pages.

5. Achar P, Hardesty W, Riche S
Pramod Achar, William Hardesty, Simon Riche: Representation Theory of Disconnected Reductive Groups, Documenta Mathematica, 25, Open access (2020), 2149–2177.

Number of matches: 5