


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Harrison MC

1. Liu X, Harrison MC, Luo Y
Xiaogang Liu, Michael Harrison, and Yuan Luo: A Note on the Five Valued Conjectures of Johansen, Helleseth and Kholosha and Zeta Functions, IEEE Communications Letters, 18 (2014), no. 9, 1483–1486.

2. Harrison MC
Michael Harrison: Explicit solution by radicals, gonal maps and plane models of algebraic curves of genus 5 or 6, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 51 (2013), 3–21.

3. González-Sánchez J, Harrison MC, Polo-Blanco I, Schicho J
Jon González-Sánchez, Michael Harrison, Irene Polo-Blanco, Josef Schicho: Algorithms for Del Pezzo surfaces of degree 5 (construction, parametrization), Journal of Symbolic Computation, 47 (2012), 342–353. MR2869325

4. Harrison MC
M C Harrison: An extension of Kedlaya's algorithm for hyperelliptic curves, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 47 (2012), no. 1, 89–101. MR2854849

5. Galbraith SD, Harrison MC, Mireles Morales DJ
Steven D Galbraith, Michael Harrison and David J Mireles Morales: Efficient hyperelliptic arithmetic using balanced representation for divisors, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5011 (2008), 342–356.

6. Harrison MC, Schicho J
Michael Harrison and Josef Schicho: Rational parametrisation for degree 6 del pezzo surfaces using Lie algebras, Proceedings of the 2006 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation: ISSAC ' 06, ISSAC '06: International symposium on symbolic and algebraic computation, Jean-Guillaume Dumas (ed.), Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, ACM, New York, (2006), 132–137. ISBN 1-59593-276-3. MR2289111

Number of matches: 6