


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Ho SYW

1. Jermiin LS, Ho SYW, Ababneh F, Robinson J, Larkum AWD
Lars S Jermiin, Simon Y W Ho, Faisal Ababneh, John Robinson, Anthony W D Larkum: The Biasing effect of Compositional Heterogeneity on Phylogenetic Estimates May be Underestimated, Systematic Biology, 53 (2004), 6.

2. Jermiin LS, Ho SYW, Ababneh F, Robinson J, Larkum AWD
Lars S Jermiin, Simon YW Ho, Faisal Ababneh, John Robinson and Anthony WD Larkum: Hetero: a program to simulate the evolution of DNA on a four-taxon tree, Applied Bioinformatics, 2 (2003), 159–163.

Number of matches: 2