


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Howlett RB, Mühlherr B, Nuida K
Robert B Howlett, Bernhard Mühlherr, Koji Nuida: Intrinsic reflections and strongly rigid Coxeter groups, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 116 (2018), no. 3, 534–574.

2. Howlett RB, Mühlherr B, Nuida K
R. B. Howlett, B. Mühlherr and K. Nuida: Intrinsic reflections and strongly rigid Coxeter systems, (2016), preprint.

3. Howlett RB, Nguyen VM
Robert B Howlett and Van Minh Nguyen: \(W\)-graph ideals and biideals, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 43 (2016), no. 1, 237–275.

4. Howlett RB, Nguyen VM
Robert B. Howlett and Van Minh Nguyen: W-graph ideals and biideals, (2015), preprint.

5. Howlett RB, Nguyen VM
Robert B. Howlett, Van Minh Nguyen: \(W\)-graph ideals, Journal of Algebra, 361C (2012), 188–212. MR2921618

6. Everitt B, Howlett RB
Brent Everitt and Robert B Howlett: Weyl groups, lattices and geometric manifolds, Geom Dedicata, 142 (2009), 1–21. MR2545452

7. Howlett RB, Yin Y
Robert B Howlett and Yunchuan Yin: Computational construction of irreducible W-graphs for types E6 and E7, Journal of Algebra, 321 (2009), 2055–2067. MR2501509

8. Franzsen WN, Howlett RB, Mühlherr B
W N Franzsen, R B Howlett, B Mühlherr: Reflections in abstract Coxeter groups, Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 81 (2006), 665–697. MR2250859

9. Howlett RB, Yin Y
Robert B. Howlett and Yunchuan Yin: Inducing W-graphs II, Manuscripta Mathematica, 115 (2004), 495–511. MR2103664

10. Howlett RB, Yin Y
Howlett RB, Yin Yunchuan: Inducing \(W\) graphs, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 244 (2003), 415–431. MR1992545

11. Franzsen WN, Howlett RB
Franzsen WN, Howlett RB: Automorphisms of nearly finite Coxeter groups, Advances in Geometry, 3 (2003), 301–338. 2004d:20041

12. Franzsen WN, Howlett RB
Franzsen W N, Howlett R B: Automorphisms of Coxeter groups of rank three, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 129 (2001), 2607–2616. 2002c:20060

13. Howlett RB, Rylands LJ, Taylor DE
R. B. Howlett, L. J. Rylands and D. E. Taylor: Matrix generators for exceptional groups of Lie type, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 31 (2001), 429–445. 2002c:20078

14. Howlett RB, Zworestine C
Robert B. Howlett and Charles Zworestine: On Klyachko's model for the representations of finite general linear groups, Representations and Quantizations, International Conference on Representation Theory, Jianpan Wang and Zongzhu Lin (eds.), China Higher Education Press (Beijing), and Springer-Verlag (Berlin, Heidelberg), Beijing, (2000), 229–246. ISBN 7-04-009073-2. 2001m:20020

15. Howlett RB, Shi JY
R B Howlett and Jian-yi Shi: On regularity of finite reflection groups, Manuscripta Mathematica, 102 (2000), no. 3, 325–333. 2001f:20081

16. Howlett RB, Lehrer GI
R. B. Howlett and G. I. Lehrer: On reflection length in reflection groups, Archiv der Mathematik (Basel), 73 (1999), 321–326. 2000g:20097

17. Brink B, Howlett RB
Brigitte Brink and Robert B. Howlett: Normalizers of parabolic subgroups in Coxeter groups, Inventiones Mathematicae, 136 (1999), 323–351. 2000b:20048

18. Howlett RB
Howlett RB: Introduction to Coxeter groups, (1997), preprint.

19. Glasby SP, Howlett RB
S P Glasby and R B Howlett: Writing representations over minimal fields, Communications in Algebra, 25 (1997), no. 6, 1703–1711. 98c:20019

20. Howlett RB, Rowley PJ, Taylor DE
R.B. Howlett, P.J. Rowley and D.E. Taylor: On outer automorphism groups of Coxeter groups, Manuscripta Mathematica, 93 (1997), 499–513. 98j:20056

21. Howlett RB, Rowley PJ, Taylor DE
R.B. Howlett, P.J. Rowley and D.E. Taylor: On Outer Automorphism Groups of Coxeter Groups, (1996), preprint.

22. Lehrer GI, Howlett RB
Lehrer GI, Howlett RB: On Harish-Chandra induction and restriction for modules of Levi subgroups, Journal of Algebra, 165 (1994), 172–183. 95d:20025

23. Brink B, Howlett RB
Brink B, Howlett RB: A finiteness property and an automatic structure for Coxeter groups, Mathematische Annalen, 296 (1993), 179–190. 94d:20045

24. Howlett RB
Howlett RB: Miscellaneous facts about Coxeter groups, (1993), preprint.

25. Glasby SP, Howlett RB
Glasby SP, Howlett RB: Extraspecial towers and Weil representations, Journal of Algebra, 151 (1992), 236–260. 93j:20072

26. Bergeron F, Bergeron N, Howlett RB, Taylor DE
Bergeron F, Bergeron N, Howlett RB, Taylor DE: A decomposition of the descent algebra of a finite Coxeter group, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 1 (1992), 23–44. 93g:20079

27. Howlett RB
Howlett RB: Abstract Algebra, School of Mathematics and Statistics, (1991),

28. Howlett RB
Howlett RB: Schur multipliers of Coxeter groups, Warwick Algebra Symposium (May 1991), (1991),

29. Howlett RB
Howlett RB: The Solomon algebra of a Coxeter group, Warwick Algebra Symposium (March 1991), (1991),

30. Howlett RB, Lehrer GI
Howlett RB, Lehrer GI: On the integral group algebra of a finite algebraic group, Astérisque, 168 (1988), 141–155. 91b:20063

31. Howlett RB
Howlett RB: On the Schur multipliers of Coxeter groups, Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series, 38 (1988), 263–276. 90e:20010

32. Howlett RB, Lehrer GI
Howlett RB, Lehrer GI: Embeddings of Hecke Algebras in group algebras, Journal of Algebra, 105 (1987), 159–174. 88c:20019

33. Howlett RB, Kovács LG
Howlett RB, Kovács LG: On the first cohomology of a group with coefficients in a simple module, Journal of Algebra, 99 (1985), 518–519.

34. Howlett RB, Levingston RW
Howlett RB, Levingston RW: On the laws of certain varieties of groups, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 31 (1985), 145–154. 86e:20030

35. Howlett RB
Howlett RB: On the exponent of certain factorizable groups, Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series, 31 (1985), 265–271. 87b:20040

36. Howlett RB, Holt DF
Howlett RB, Holt DF: On groups which are the product of two Abelian groups, Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series, 29 (1984), 453–461. 86f:20028

37. Howlett RB, Lehrer GI
Howlett RB, Lehrer GI: Representations of generic algebras and finite groups of Lie type, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 280 (1983), 753–779. 85i:20044

38. Howlett RB, Lehrer GI
Howlett RB, Lehrer GI: A comparison theorem and other formulae in the character ring of a finite group of Lie type, Contemporary Mathematics, 9 (1982), 285–288. 84b:20055

39. Howlett RB, Isaacs IM
Howlett RB, Isaacs IM: On Groups of Central Type, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 179 (1982), 555–569. 83j:20017

40. Howlett RB
Howlett RB: Coxeter groups and \(M\)-matrices, The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 14 (1982), 137–141. 83g:20032

41. Howlett RB, Lehrer GI
Howlett RB, Lehrer GI: Duality in the normalizer of a parabolic subgroup of a finite Coxeter group, The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 14 (1982), 133–136. 83e:20049

42. Cartwright DI, Howlett RB, McMullen JR
Cartwright DI, Howlett RB, McMullen JR: Extreme values for the Sidon constant, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 81 (1981), 531–537. 82c:43005

43. Howlett RB
Howlett RB: Normalizers of parabolic subgroups of reflection groups, Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series, 21 (1980), 62–80. 80b:20094

44. Howlett RB, Lehrer GI
Howlett RB, Lehrer GI: Induced cuspidal representations and generalised Hecke rings, Inventiones Mathematicae, 58 (1980), 37–64. 81j:20017

45. Howlett RB, Kilmoyer RW
Howlett RB, Kilmoyer RW: Principal series representations of finite groups with split \(BN\) pairs, Communications in Algebra, 8 (1980), 543–583. 81d:20009

46. Howlett RB
Howlett RB: Extending characters from normal subgroups, Topics in Algebra, 18-th Summer Research Institute of the Australian Mathematical Society, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 697 Springer-Verlag, (1978), 80b:20009

47. Howlett RB
Howlett RB: Some irreducible characters of groups with \(BN\) pairs, Journal of Algebra, 39 (1976), 571–592. 54:388

48. Howlett RB
Howlett RB: On the degrees of Steinberg characters of Chevalley groups, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 135 (1974), 125–135. 50:13228

Number of matches: 48