


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Iltyakov AV

1. Elduque A, Iltyakov AV
A Elduque, A Iltyakov: On polynomial invariants of exceptional simple algebraic groups, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 51 (1999), 506–522. 2000g:13002

2. Iltyakov AV
A V Iltyakov: On algebras of generic elements of simple Lie algebras, Communications in Algebra, 26 (1998), no. 5, 1465–1473. 99b:17037

3. Iltyakov AV
A V Iltyakov: Laplace operator and polynomial invariants, Journal of Algebra, 207 (1998), no. 1, 256–271. 99j:13003

4. Bernad J, Gonzalez S, Martinez C, Iltyakov AV
J Bernad, S Gonzalez, C Martinez and A V Iltyakov: Polynomial identities of Bernstein algebras of small dimension, Journal of Algebra, 207 (1998), no. 2, 664–681. 99g:17056

5. Bernad J, Gonzales S, Martinez C, Iltyakov AV
J.Bernad, S.Gonzales, C.Martinez and A. V. Iltyakov: On identities of baric algebras and superalgebras, Journal of Algebra, 197 (1997), 385–408. 99a:17034

6. Iltyakov AV
A.V.Iltyakov: On polynomial identities of Jordan pairs of rectangular matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 260 (1997), 257–271. 98c:15087

7. Iltyakov AV
A.V. Iltyakov: On rational invariants of the group \(E_6\), Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 124 (1996), 3637–3640. 97b:13008

8. Iltyakov AV, Shestakov IP
A. V. Iltyakov and I. P. Shestakov: On invariants of \(F_4\) and the center of the Albert algebra, Journal of Algebra, 179 (1996), 838–851. 96m:17058

Number of matches: 8