


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Kumbhari A, Egelston CA, Lee PP, Kim PS
Adarsh Kumbhari, Colt A Egelston, Peter P Lee and Peter S Kim: Mature Dendritic Cells May Promote High-Avidity Tuning of Vaccine T Cell Responses, Frontiers in Immunology, 11 (2020), no. Open Access, Article number 584680.

2. Kumbhari A, Kim PS, Lee PP
Adarsh Kumbhari, Peter S Kim, Peter P Lee: Optimisation of anti-cancer peptide vaccines to preferentially elicit high-avidity T cells, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 486 (2020), no. 7 February 2020, Art. 110067 (14 pages).

Number of matches: 2