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1. Kuo TC
Tzee-Char Kuo: An old man's mathematical stories, Revue Roumaine de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, 64 (2019), no. 4, 50–521.

2. Koike S, Kuo TC, Paunescu L
Satoshi Koike, Tzee-Char Kuo and Laurentiu Paunescu: A'Campo curvature bumps and the Dirac phenomenon near a singular point, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 111 (2015), no. 3, 717–748.

3. Koike S, Kuo TC, Paunescu L
Satoshi Koike, Tzee-Char Kuo and Laurentiu Paunescu: Non concentration of curvature near singular points of two variable analytic functions, Topics on Real and Complex Singularities, Proceedings of the 4th Japanese-Australian Workshop (JARCS4), The Fourth Japanese-Australian Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, Satoshi Koike, Toshizumi Fukui, Laurentiu Paunescu, Adam Harris, Alexander Isaev (eds.), JARCS, World Scientific, Singapore, (2014), 115–140. ISBN 978-981-4596-03-9.

4. Koike S, Kuo TC, Paunescu L
Satoshi Koike, Tzee-Char Kuo and Laurentiu Paunescu: A study of curvature using infinitesimals, Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series A, Mathematical Science, 88A (2012), 70–74. MR2925285

5. Kuo TC, Paunescu L
Tzee-Char Kuo and Laurentiu Paunescu: Enriched Riemann sphere, Morse stability and equi-singularity in \(\mathcal{O}_2\), Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 85 (2012), no. 2, 382–408. MR2901070

6. Kuo TC, Paunescu L
Tzee-Char Kuo and Laurentiu Paunescu: Morse equi-singular deformation in \(\mathbb{C}^2\), C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Soc. R. Can., 32 (2010), no. 4, –. MR2778970

7. Kuo TC, Paunescu L
T. C Kuo and L. Paunescu: The Enriched Riemann Sphere and Stability, The second Japanese-Australian Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, S. Koike, T. Fukui, L. Paunescu and A. Harris (eds.), RIMS Kokyuroku 1610, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, (2008), 80–83.

8. Kuo TC, Paunescu L
T-C Kuo and Laurentiu Paunescu: Desingularization And Equisingularity At Undergraduate Level, Real and Complex Singularities, Real and Complex Singularities, Laurentiu Paunescu, Adam Harris, Toshizumi Fukui and Satoshi Koikke (eds.), Proceedings of The Japanese-Australian workshop, World Scientific, Singapore, (2007), 207–231. ISBN 978-981-270-551-8. MR2336687

9. Kuo TC
Tzee-Char Kuo: René Thom and some of his ideas, La Gazette des Mathématiciens, Supplement of No. 103 (2005), no. 103, 50–58.

10. Kuo TC, Paunescu L
Tzee-Char Kuo, Laurentiu Paunescu: Equisingularity in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) as Morse stability in infinitesimal calculus, Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A. Mathematical Sciences, 81 (2005), 115–120. MR2159239

11. Kuo TC, Parusiński A
Tzee-Char Kuo, Adam Parusinski: Newton-Puiseux roots of Jacobian determinants, Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 13 (2004), 579–601. MR2047682

12. Kuo TC, Parusiński A
Tzee-Char Kuo and Adam Parusinski: On Puiseux roots of Jacobians, Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A. Mathematical Sciences, 78 (2002), 55–59. 2003c:32027

13. Izumi S, Koike S, Kuo TC
Shuzo Izumi, Satoshi Koike and Tzee-Char Kuo: Computations and stability of the Fukui invariant, Compositio Mathematica, 130 (2002), 49–73. 2003a:32050

14. Paunescu L, Kuo TC, Fukui T
L Paunescu, T C Kuo and T Fukui: Constructing blow-analytic isomorphisms, Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 51 (2001), 1071–1087. 2003d:58061

15. Kuo TC, Paunescu L
Tzee-Char Kuo, Laurentiu Paunescu: An elementary exposé on equisingularity, First International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, First International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, Lo Yang and S.-T. Yau (eds.), AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, International Press, Cambridge MA, USA, (2001), 345–350. ISBN 0-8218-2652-2. 2002d:32042

16. Kuo TC
Tzee-Char Kuo: Analytic singularity theory and calculus, Mini-Conference on algebraic geometry, Fumio Sakai (ed.), Saitama University, Japan, Japan, (2000), 38–41.

17. Kuo TC, Parusiński A
T C Kuo, A Parusinski: Newton polygon relative to an arc, Real and complex singularities, 5th Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, H Brezis, R G Douglas, A Jeffrey (eds.), CRC Research Notes in Mathematics, Chapman and Hall; CRC Press, London, UK, (2000), 76–93. ISBN 1-58488-142-9. 2000j:32043

18. Kuo TC
Tzee-Char Kuo: Inspiring exercises for undergraduates, International Journal of Mathematics Education, Science and Technology, 30 (1999), 811–821.

19. Kobayashi M, Kuo TC
Masanori Kobayashi and Tzee-Char Kuo: On blow-analytic equivalence of embedded curve singularities, Real analytic and algebraic singularities, Symposium and Seminar on Singularities, H Brezis, R G Douglas, A Jeffrey (eds.), Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics, Addison Wesley Longman Inc, U.S.A., (1998), 30–37. ISBN 0 582 32874 8. 99d:58028

20. Kuo TC, Milman PD
Tzee-Char Kuo and Pierre D Milman: On arc-analytic trivialization of singularities, Real analytic and algebraic singularities, Real analytic and algebraic singularities (Nagoya/Sapporo/Hachioji, 1996), Pitman Research Notes on Mathematics, 381 (1998), 38–42. MR1607670

21. Toshizumi F, Satoshi K, Kuo TC
Toshizumi Fukui, Satoshi Koike and Tzee-Char Kuo: Blow-analytic equisingularities, properties, problems and progress, Real analytic and algebraic singularities, Real analytic and algebraic singularities (Nagoya/Sapporo/Hachioji, 1996), Pitman Research Notes on Mathematics, 381 (1998), 8–29. MR1607662

22. Kuo TC
Tzee-Char Kuo: How to analyse singularities of plane curves, Arithmetics - Mathematics, 17 (1997), 69–76.

23. Kuo TC
Tzee-Char Kuo: Some ideas of René Thom and their outcomes, Stratifications and Topology of Singular Spaces, Stratifications and Topology of Singular Spaces, Editeurs des sciences et des arts (ed.), Travaux en cours, Hermann, Paris, France, (1997), 73–77. ISBN 2 7056 6319 3. MR1473243

24. Kobayashi M, Kuo TC
Masanori Kobayashi, Tzee-Char Kuo: Uniqueness of unibranched curve in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) up to simple blowings up, Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 73 (1997), 97–99. 98i:14055

25. Kuo TC
Kuo TC: Truncation of Taylor series, Singularity Theory, Proceedings of the Singularity College, Le Dung Trang, Kyoji Saito and Bernard Teissier (eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, (1995), 291–297. MR1378408

26. Kuo TC
Kuo TC: Stratification Theory, Singularity Theory, Proceedings of the Singularity College, Le Dung Trang, Kyoji Saito and Bernard Teissier (eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, (1995), 284–290. MR1378407

27. Kuo TC
Kuo TC: Singularities of real analytic functions, Singularity Theory, Proceedings of the Singularity College, Le Dung Trang, Kyoji Saito and Bernard Teissier (eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, (1995), 276–283. MR1378406

28. Kuo TC
Kuo TC: A simple algorithm for deciding primes in \(K[[x,y]]\), Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 47 (1995), 801–816. 96k:13031

29. Kuo TC
Kuo TC: Stratification theory, College on Singularities Theory, Trieste, Italy, Aug 16--Sept 5, 1991, (1992), MR1313238

30. Kuo TC
Kuo TC: Singularities of real analytic functions, College on Singularities Theory, Trieste, Italy, Aug 16--Sept 6, 1991, (1992), MR1313238

31. Kuo TC
Kuo TC: Truncation of Taylor series, College on Singularities Theory, Trieste, Italy, Aug 16--Sept 5, 1991, (1992), MR1313238

32. Kuo TC
Kuo TC: Some ideas of Thom and their outcome, Conference of Stratification et singularités d'applications. Luminy, May 21--25 1990, (1990),

33. Kuo TC
Kuo TC: Generalized Newton-Puiseux Theory and Hensel's Lemma in \(\mathbb{C}[[x,y]]\), Canadian Journal of Mathematics, (1989), 1101–1116. 91d:14010

34. Kuo TC, Li PX, Trotman DJA
Kuo TC, Li PX, Trotman DJA: Blowing up and Whitney (\(a\))-regularity conditions, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 32 (1989), 482–485. 91b:58008

35. Kuo TC
Kuo TC: Reducibility and irreducibility in \(\C[[x,y]]\), Australian National Mathematical Science Bicentennial Congress, Canberra 1988, (1988),

36. Kuo TC, Trotman DJA
Kuo TC, Trotman DJA: On (\(w\)) and (\(t^s\))-regular stratification, Inventiones Mathematicae, 92 (1988), 633–643. 89h:58014

37. Kuo TC
Kuo TC: A natural equivalence relation of singularities, Singularities, 20 Banach Centre Publications, (1987), MR0929183

38. Kuo TC
Kuo TC: On classification of real singularities, Inventiones Mathematicae, 82 (1985), 257–262. 87d:58025

39. Kuo TC
Kuo TC: Sur le probleme de l'equisingularité, Séminaire sur la Géométrie Algébrique Réelle. Publications Mathématiques de l'Université de Paris VII, (1984), 119–122.

40. Kuo TC
Kuo TC: Equivalence of Isolated Complex Singularities, Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics. Academia Sinica, 11 (1983), 415–432. 85m:32009

41. Kuo TC
Kuo TC: Some viewpoints on algebraic geometry and singularity theory, Mathematics Chronicle, 11 (1982), 67–80. 84k:58036

42. Kuo TC, Ward JN
Kuo TC, Ward JN: A theorem on almost analytic equisingularity, Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 33 (1981), MR0627055

43. Kuo TC, Lu YC
Kuo TC, Lu YC: Sufficiency of Jets via Stratification, Inventiones Mathematicae, 57 (1980), 219–226. 81h:58015

44. Kuo TC
Kuo TC: Modified Analytic Equivalence of Singularities, Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 31 (1980), 605–614. 82d:58012

45. Kuo TC
Kuo TC: On an O.D.E. Problem in Equisingularities, Annales Polonici Mathematici, 48 (1980), 75–85.

46. Kuo TC
Kuo TC: Une Classification des Singularités Réelles, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série I. Mathématique, 288 (1979), 299–310.

47. Kuo TC
Kuo TC: On Thom-Whitney Stratification Theory, Mathematische Annalen, 234 (1978), 97–107. 58:6333

48. Kuo TC, Lu YC
Kuo TC, Lu YC: On Analytic Function Germs of Two Complex Variables, Topology, 15 (1977), 299–310. 57:704

49. Kuo TC
Kuo TC: Computation of Lojasiewicz Exponent of \(f(x,y)\), Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, (1974), 201–213. 50:5842

50. Bochnak JJ, Kuo TC
Bochnak JJ, Kuo TC: Rigid and Finitely \(v\)-Determined Germs of \(C^\infty\)-Mappings, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 25 (1973), 727–732. 49:4020

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