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  • Author = Large MCJ

1. Wickham S, Poladian L, Large MCJ, Vukusic P
Shelley Wickham, Leon Poladian, Maryanne Large, Petwer Vukusic: Control of Iridescence in natural photonic structures: the case of butterfly scales, Optical biomimetics, Electronic and Optical Materials, Woodhead Publishing, Oxford Cambridge Philadelphia New Delhi, (2012), 240. ISBN 978-1-84569-802-7.

2. Argyros A, Lwin R, Leon-Saval SG, Poulin J, Poladian L, Large MCJ
Alexander Argyros, Richard Lwin, Sergio G. Leon-Saval, Jerome Poulin, Leon Poladian, and Maryanne C. J. Large: Low loss and temperature stable microstructured polymer optical fibers, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 30 (2012), no. 1, 192–197.

3. Schröder-Turk GE, Wickham S, Averdunk H, Brink F, Fitz Gerald JD, Poladian L, Large MCJ, Hyde ST
G E Schröder-Turk, S Wickham, H Averdunk, F Brink, J D Fitz Gerald, L Poladian, M C J Large, S T Hyde: The chiral structure of porous chitin within the wing-scales of Callophrys rubi, Journal of Structural Biology, 174 (2011), 290–295.

4. Docherty A, Poladian L, Argyros A, Large MCJ, Poulin J, Kashyap R
Andrew Docherty, Leon Poladian, Alexander Argyros, Maryanne C J Large, Jerome Poulin, Raman Kashyap: Increasing the numerical aperture of large-core microstructured Polymer optical fibers using a 'Y'- bridge cladding, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 27 (2009), no. 11, 1610–1616.

5. Poladian L, Wickham S, Lee KH, Large MCJ
L. Poladian, S. Wickham, K. Lee and M. C. J. Large: Iridescence from photonic crystals and its suppression in butterfly scales, J. Roy. Soc. Interface, 3 (2009), 99–108.

6. Bosi SG, Hayes J, Large MCJ, Poladian L
S. G. Bosi, J. Hayes, M. C. J. Large, and L. Poladian: Color, iridescence, and thermoregulation in Lepidoptera, Appl. Opt., 47 (2008), 5235–5241.

7. Large MCJ, Poladian L, Barton GW, van Eijkelenborg MA
Maryanne Large, Leon Poladian, Geoffrey Barton and Martijn van Eijkelenborg: Microstructured Polymer Optical Fibres, Springer, New York, (2008), 229. ISBN 978-0-387-31273-6.

8. Zhang X, Wang RYX, Cox FM, Kuhlmey BT, Large MCJ
X. Zhang, R. Wang, F. M. Cox, B. T. Kuhlmey and M. C. J. Large: Selective coating of holes in microstructured optical fiber and its application to in-fiber absorptive polarizers, Optics express, 15 (2007), no. 24, 16270–16278.

9. Lwin R, Barton GW, Harvey L, Harvey J, Manos S, Large MCJ, Poladian L, Bachmann A, Poisel H, Klein KF
R Lwin, G Barton, L Harvey, J Harvey, S Manos, MCJ Large, L Poladian, A Bachmann, H Poisel, K F Klein: Beyond the bandwidth-length product: Graded index microstructured polymer optical fiber, Applied Physics Letters, 91 (2007), no. 19, 191119–1.

10. Large MCJ, Manos S, Poladian L
M C J Large, S Manos and L Poladian: The uses of diversity: non-crystalline arrays in microstructured optical fibres, Journal of Optical and Quantum Electronics, Online (2007), 1–12.

11. Xue SC, Lwin R, Barton GW, Poladian L, Large MCJ
Xue, S. C.; Lwin, R.; Barton, G. W.; Poladian, L.; Large, M. C. J.: Transient Heating of PMMA Preforms for Microstructured Optical Fibers, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 25 (2007), no. 5, 1177–1183.

12. Xue SC, Poladian L, Barton GW, Large MCJ
S C Xue, L Poladian, G W Barton, MC J Large: Radiative heat transfer in preforms for microstructured optical fibres, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 50 (2007), no. 7-8, 1569–1576.

13. Large MCJ, Wickham S, Hayes J, Poladian L
M C J Large, S Wickham, J Hayes and L Poladian: Insights from nature: Optical biomimetics, Physica B, 394 (2007), 229–232.

14. Xue SC, Large MCJ, Barton GW, Tanner RI, Poladian L, Lwin R
S. C. Xue, M.C.J. Large, G.W. Barton, R.I. Tanner, L. Poladian and R. Lwin: The role of material properties and drawing conditions in the fabrication of microstructured optical fibres, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 24 (2006), no. 2, 853–860.

15. Large MCJ, Manos S, Bentley P, Poladian L
M. C. J Large, S. Manos, P. Bentley and L. Poladian: Evolving Microstructured Fibres, International Quantum Electronics Conference 2005 and the Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2005, International Quantum Electronics Conference 2005 and the Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2005, Duncan Steel and Alain Aspect (eds.), OSA and IEEE, Tokyo, Japan, (2005), 585–587.

16. Xue SC, Tanner RI, Barton RI, Lwin R, Barton GW, Large MCJ, Poladian L
SC Xue, RI Tanner, GW Barton, R Lwin, MCJ Large and L Poladian: Fabrication of Microstructured Optical Fibers, Part II: Numerical Modeling of Steady-State Draw Process, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 23 (2005), no. 7, 2255– 2266.

17. Xue SC, Tanner RI, Barton GW, Lwin R, Large MCJ, Poladian L
SC Xue, RI Tanner, GW Barton, R Lwin, MCJ Large and L Poladian: Fabrication of Microstructured Optical Fibers, Part I: Problem Formulation and Numerical Modeling of Transient Draw Process, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 23 (2005), no. 7, 2245– 2254.

18. Wickham S, Poladian L, Large MCJ, Jermiin LS
S. Wickham, L. Poladian, M.C.J. Large, L.S. Jermiin: Evolution of two-dimensional optical microstructures in butterfly scales, OWLS 8 Book of Abstracts, 8th International Conference on Optics within Life Sciences, Min Gu (ed.), Melbourne, (2004), 185–186.

19. Poladian L, Wickham S, Large MCJ, Jermiin LS
L. Poladian, S. Wickham, M.C.J. Large, L.S. Jermiin: Biological strategies to suppress iridescence in low-contrast 3D photonic crystals, OWLS 8 Book of Abstracts, 8th International Conference on Optics within Life Sciences, Min Gu (ed.), Melbourne, (2004), 133–134.

20. van Eijkelenborg MA, Argyros A, Bachmann A, Barton GW, Henry G, Issa NA, Klein KF, Large MCJ, Manos S, Padden WEP, Poladian L, Poisel H, Zhao Y
M.A. van Eijkelenborg, A. Argyros, A. Bachmann, G. Barton, G. Henry, N.A. Issa, K.F. Klein, M.C.J. Large, S. Manos, W. Padden, L. Poladian, H. Poisel, Y. Zhao: Applications of microstructured polymer optical fibres, CLEO-IQEC-Phast Technical Digest, Conference on Lasers & Electro-Optics and International Quantum Electronics Conference, Optical Society of America, (2004), CThX1. ISBN 1-55752-770-9. MR2165652

21. van Eijkelenborg MA, Argyros A, Bachmann A, Barton GW, Large MCJ, Henry G, Issa NA, Klein KF, Poisel H, Pok W, Poladian L, Manos S, Zagari J
M. A. van Eijkelenborg, A. Argyros, A. Bachmann, G. Barton, M.C.J. Large, G. Henry, N.A. Issa, K.F. Klein, H. Poisel, W. Pok, L. Poladian, S. Manos and J. Zagari: Bandwidth and loss measurements of graded-index microstructured polymer optical fibre, Electronics Letters, 40 (2004), 592–593.

22. Zagari J, Argyros A, Issa NA, Barton GW, Henry GW, Large MCJ, Poladian L, van Eijkelenborg MA
J. Zagari, A. Argyros, N. A. Issa, G. Barton, G. Henry, M.C.J. Large, L. Poladian, M.A. van Eijkelenborg: Small-core single-mode microstructured polymer optical fiber with large external diameter, Optics Letters, 29 (2004), 818–820.

Number of matches: 22