


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Lee KH

1. Poladian L, Wickham S, Lee KH, Large MCJ
L. Poladian, S. Wickham, K. Lee and M. C. J. Large: Iridescence from photonic crystals and its suppression in butterfly scales, J. Roy. Soc. Interface, 3 (2009), 99–108.

2. Poladian L, Large M, Padden WEP, Lee KH, Wickham S, Beeton N
Leon Poladian, Maryanne Large, Whayne Padden, Kwan Hee Lee, Shelley Wickham and Nick Beeton: Is the photonic crystal in the butterflies T. imperialis and P. sesostris optimal?, CLEO-IQEC-Phast Technical Digest, Conference on Lasers & Electro-Optics and International Quantum Electronics Conference, Optical Society of America, (2004), IThL6. ISBN 1-55752-770-9.

Number of matches: 2