


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Liu X, Ricca RL
Xin Liu, Renzo L Ricca: Tackling fluid structures complexity by the Jones polynomial, Procedia IUTAM, 7 (2013), 175–182.

2. Liu X, Ricca RL
Xin Liu and Renzo L Ricca: The Jones polynomial for fluid knots from helicity, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 45 (2012), no. 20, Art. 205501.

3. Liu X
Xin Liu: Kauffman knot polynomials in classical abelian Chern-Simons field theory, Annals of Physics, 325 (2010), 2641–2652.

4. Liu X
Xin Liu: Knots in SU(M|N) Chern-Simons field theory, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 43 (2010), 255202. MR2653034

5. Liu X, Zhang RB
Xin LIU, Ruibin Zhang: Topological vortices in chiral gauge theory of graphene, Annals of Physics, 325 (2010), 384–391.

6. Liang J, Liu X, Duan Y
Jun Liang, Xin Liu, Yishi Duan: Knotted vortex lines in spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates, Europhysics Letters (EPL), 86 (2009), 10008.

7. Liu X, Duan Y, Yang W, Zhang Y
Xin Liu, Yi-shi Duan, Wen-li Yang, Yao-zhong Zhang: Inner Structure of \(\text {Spin}^{c}\)(4) Gauge Potential on 4-Dimensional Manifolds, Annals of Physics, 323 (2008), 2107. MR2441187

8. Yang W, Zhang Y, Liu X
Wen-li Yang, Yao-zhong Zhang, Xin Liu: Free field realization of current superalgebra \(\mathrm{gl}(m|n)_{k}\), Journal of Mathematical Physics, 48 (2007), 053514. MR2329876

9. Yang W, Zhang Y, Liu X
Wen-li Yang, Yao-zhong Zhang, Xin Liu: gl(4|4) current superalgebra: Free field realization and screening currents, Physics Letters B, 641 (2006), 329. MR2474009

10. Liu X, Duan Y, Zhang PM
Xin Liu, Yi-shi Duan, Peng-ming Zhang: Multi-types of Skyrmions in SU(N) quantum Hall system, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 44 (2005), 371. MR2487010

11. Liu X, Zhang Y, Duan Y, Fu L
Xin Liu, Yao-zhong Zhang, Yi-shi Duan, Li-bin Fu: Various topological excitations in the SO(4) gauge field in higher dimensions, Annals of Physics, 318 (2005), 419. MR2150465

12. Zhang Y, Liu X, Yang W
Yao-zhong Zhang, Xin Liu, Wen-li Yang: Primary fields and screening currents of gl(2|2) non-unitary conformal field theory, Nuclear Physics B, 704 (2005), 510. MR2116271

13. Zhang PM, Duan Y, Liu X
Peng-ming Zhang, Yi-shi Duan, Xin Liu: Knots in the non-abelian Chern-Simons theory, Modern Physics Letters A, 19 (2004), 2629. MR2441777

14. Duan Y, Liu X, Yang J
Yi-shi Duan, Xin Liu, Jie Yang: Knotlike Vortex Lines in Spinor BEC, Annals of Physics, 312 (2004), 84. MR2499171

15. Zhang PM, Duan Y, Liu X, Zhong C
Peng-ming Zhang, Yi-shi Duan, Xin Liu, Cheng-kui Zhong: Knotlike Mermin-Ho vortices in the superfluid ³He-A, Annals of Physics, 313 (2004), 16. MR2079809

16. Duan Y, Liu X
Yi-shi Duan, Xin Liu: Knotlike strings in the early universe, Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP), 02 (2004), 028. MR2046786

17. Duan Y, Liu X, Fu L
Yi-shi Duan, Xin Liu, Li-bin Fu: Spinor decomposition of SU(2) gauge potential and spinor structures of Chern-Simons and Chern density, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 40 (2003), 447. MR2475436

18. Duan Y, Wang J, Liu X
Yi-shi Duan, Jun-ping Wang, Xin Liu: Topological excitation in an antiferromagnetic Bose-Einstein condensate, Progress of Theoretical Physics, 110 (2003), 1. MR2494449

19. Duan Y, Liu X, Zhang PM
Yi-shi Duan, Xin Liu, Peng-ming Zhang: Mermin-Ho vortices and monopoles in three-component spinor BEC, Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and General, 36 (2003), 563. MR2482741

20. Duan Y, Liu X, Zhang H
Yi-shi Duan, Xin Liu, Hong Zhang: Velocity field vortices and Mermin-Ho vortices in two-component spinor BEC, Annals of Physics, 308 (2003), 493. MR2489113

21. Duan Y, Liu X, Fu L
Yi-shi Duan, Xin Liu, Li-bin Fu: Many knots in Chern-Simons field theory, Physical Review D, 67 (2003), 085022. MR1995181

22. Duan Y, Liu X, Zhang PM
Yi-shi Duan, Xin Liu, Peng-ming Zhang: Decomposition theory of the U(1) gauge potential and the London assumption in topological quantum mechanics, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 14 (2002), 7941.

Number of matches: 22