


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Loo SL, Rose D, Weight M, Hawkes K, Kim PS
Sara L Loo, Danya Rose, Michael Weight, Kristen Hawkes and Peter S Kim: Why Males Compete Rather Than Care, with an Application to Supplying Collective Goods, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 82 (2020), Art. 125.

2. Loo SL, Hawkes K, Kim PS
S L Loo, K Hawkes and P S Kim: Evolution of male strategies with sex-ratio-dependent pay-offs: connecting pair bonds with grandmothering, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 372 (2017), no. 1729, art. 20170041.

3. Loo SL, Chan MH, Hawkes K, Kim PS
Sara L Loo, Matthew H Chan, Kristen Hawkes and Peter S Kim: Further Mathematical Modelling of Mating Sex Ratios & Male Strategies with Special Relevance to Human Life History, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 79 (2017), no. 8, 1907–1922.

Number of matches: 3